Sophomore Band Profile: Patrick Laufersweiler

Junior band member, Patrick Laufersweiler, plays the bass drum for the Moeller Band. He started Moeller Band as a freshman and has been playing drums for three years. The Crusader asked Patrick a couple questions about the band season this year and his thoughts about last year.

Crusader: How do you feel about the band this year?

PL: It’s been really fun music to play, and there’s a lot of really good musicians in the band

Crusader: What do you think about the performance choices this year?

PL: I enjoy the performance choices in marching band because it is a Michael Jackson show

Crusader: If you could nominate one person as a leader for band, who would you nominate?

PL: Tyler Jones. He helps me a lot personally with figuring out music.

Crusader: Do you expect next year to be similar to this year?

PL: Yes, because even though we are losing a lot of exceptional seniors, the juniors need to step up and take their place.

Crusader: What are your predictions for next year?

PL: I think we will have a really good show, and we will all have a very good time playing in the band as a community


Our Winner from the September 30th Issue: Joel Brown


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