Band Senior Night!

The final football game versus Martin Luther King (MI) was played on October 21. The excitement, importance, and solemnity were all clear leading up to the game, as it was Senior Night for both the football team and band. Growing up, students can feel as if they’ll get to play their sport or instrument forever. As students enter high school, and especially senior year, they begin to see that there are as many ‘lasts’ as there were ‘firsts.”

There’s a feeling of ceremony and tradition that looms over senior night. Students and parents are reminded of the memories and events that all led to the moment of becoming a senior and being honored on senior night.

Senior and four-year band participant, Brody Threm, shared his experience of senior night for band. Threm said, “Our senior night was great. Leading up to that Friday, we had two three-hour practices to fine tune our songs and show. During the halftime of the game, we went out and played our show. But instead of walking off the field, our parents came out onto the field and stood with us in front of the whole crowd. It was quite the experience.”

The Moeller Band is a great experience and you’re encouraged to join if you are interested! Also be sure to congratulate our senior band members when you see them!

Brody, pictured on the left, with other seniors Alec Weaver and Boston Socha.


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