Moeller Bathrooms: Out with the Old, in with the New

With new tile, partitions, and sinks, the bathrooms are looking sharpBy Nicholas Rohrer

With new tile, partitions, and sinks, the bathrooms are looking sharp

By Nicholas Rohrer

Bathrooms Get an upgrade

Moeller admittedly needed to make an update to their bathrooms. There were glaring issues with the appearance and plumbing. This summer, the bathrooms on each of Moeller’s 3 floors were renovated. 

David Beiersdorfer, Director of Facilities here at Moeller is proud of the new renovations. He explained that the bathrooms are intended to mix design and functionality. They were designed by the same firm that worked on projects such as Great American Ballpark as well as Moeller’s own back fields. The architects were selected because the team included some Moeller Alums.

When discussing the funding for the restroom renovation, Beiersdorfer said receiving donations was difficult, “No one wants to put their name on a bathroom, but they are crucial to the infrastructure of the school.”

The bathrooms had many issues that had to be addressed. They reached the point where it made sense to do a complete renovation. The smell and consistency of the old bathrooms was not up to Moeller standards. Therefore, the pipes and walls were ripped up and completely redone. The old pipes had accumulated layers of buildup over decades of use, which allowed for only 30% of the desired flow of water. The new pipes prevent the bathrooms from getting backed up as well as helping to control the smell.

The smell of the old restrooms was intense and often on the edge of unbearable. Personally, it was clear the smell along with the rough appearance, hurt the presentation of Moeller. Humidifiers and ventilation were added in order to pull more of the smell out of the bathroom.

The bathrooms were also designed for greater efficiently, as well as having Moeller’s branding in mind. Dividers, stalls, counter tops, and walls are all now colored with Moeller’s palette.


An ode to a bygone era

Though the new renovations to the commodes are a welcomed addition to a changing Moeller, it’s worth mentioning that the old restrooms were a universal part of the Moeller experience.

Moeller’s old bathrooms were the pinnacle of a good bathroom: consistent, impartial, and an overall good atmosphere. Former students will forever miss that light green tile and those broken gray stalls.

Unfortunately, the new generation of Moeller students will never know the feeling of walking into a true Moeller bathroom. This freshmen class will be the first class to never experience this piece of Moeller history. An era has ended.

As one Moe alum once said, “soak it up, time flies.”

There was something great about those old bathrooms that cannot be expressed. They represented a culture that is dissolving with the passage of time. They were synonymous with a Moeller school building that wasn’t air-conditioned and wasn’t renovated. It was the old and original Moeller that was occasionally smelled and was hot. The old bathrooms built a certain character that Moeller is slowly losing.


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