Crosley Schunk: Crusader Cleaning Cars

Crosley Schunk enjoying an “A day” mentor group

Crosley Schunk enjoying an “A day” mentor group

When was your car the cleanest it has ever been? Probably right off the lot, right? Well for Moeller Senior Crosley Schunk, he makes clean cars a reality for people wanting to obtain that feeling of new car freshness.

Crosley does not take on every car that comes in all by himself. He works at Pro Spray, a small car detailing company that consists of 5 employees near Wyoming, Ohio.  Crosley works from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on the weekend but cannot do to much over the week due to homework and school.

Despite being rather small, this company is no joke. Crosley said they will spend anywhere from 1 to 4 hours cleaning the average car. Keep in mind that they aren’t just spraying a little soap and water on the outside of each car, they are fully shampooing, scrubbing, and detailing the inside as well. A full cleaning consists of vacuuming every square inch of the interior, applying cleaning agent to the entire body of the car, and finally followed up with a complete rinse and drying of the car.

This being taken into account, your car can be in tip-top shape provided you are willing to foot the bill. Crosley said the bill could range anywhere from $100 - $400 depending on how dirty your car is and what cleaning package you choose.

Crosley states that no car is too big of a job, as one of their most labor-intensive projects was and old car that had a 5-gallon bucket of paint spilled in the trunk. Crosley said they used some unconventional methods to fix that mess consisting of paint remover, a scraper, and roughly 8 hours of elbow grease.

2019 Ford GT cleaned by Crosley SchunkCredit: Instagram @prospraycincy

2019 Ford GT cleaned by Crosley Schunk

Credit: Instagram @prospraycincy

Detailing cars is not only a job for Schunk; he truly enjoys doing it. He said that one of his favorite aspects of the job is meeting the people behind the cars that he cleans. He told me that he loves talking to them and seeing what they do for a living.

Some of the coolest people that he has detailed cars for would be Bengals football players: AJ Green and Geno Atkins. He said, “For all the cool people that he meets, there will always be some odd ones”. He proceeded to tell me a story about how one of his least favorite jobs was an extraordinarily long drive to a client’s house just to clean the client’s windshield. What a waste of time!

Crosley also said that he enjoys getting to see all the different cars that come to get cleaned. He details all sorts of cars varying from supercars such as the 2019 Ford GT — a million dollar car, to your grandmother’s minivan.

Detailing cars is not only enjoyable, but also important to Crosley as he stated, “Not only does it teach me good work ethic, but I also make a nice paycheck.” Despite all the ups and downs of the job, Crosley loves being able to clean all types of cars. He hopes to continue this for long as possible, but it truly just depends on whether he goes to a college that is close and what he chooses to do in college. Regardless, as of today he is still making each car that comes through the building as clean as the day the customers bought it.


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