The Most Dynamic of all Duos: Michael Mullins and Craig Lindsey

Certain things just go together. I’m not going to have a burger without some fries. Bonnie doesn’t become infamous without Clyde.  At Moeller High school, there is one duo that the school couldn’t function without. It consists of Craig Lindsey, the head Athletic trainer, and senior Michael Mullins. They are partners in crime, Batman and Robin. Think of any famous duo; these two tower over any other. These two are a huge part of our school sports medicine team, and they have as big an impact on the school as anyone else every single day.  

Michael Mullins and Craig Lindsey celebrating the 2019 basketball state Championship.By @keisermark - Twitter

Michael Mullins and Craig Lindsey celebrating the 2019 basketball state Championship.

By @keisermark - Twitter

Our sports medicine staff is one of the best in the country, but they don’t always get the thanks, appreciation, or the spotlight they deserve. They work long hours every day, from right after school until all sports practices are finished for the night. They do everything from taping, to physical therapy, stretching, and injury prevention. They have a huge impact on the athletic aspect of Moeller each day.  

This dynamic duo of Craig and Michael are two of the biggest parts of the medical team. After graduating this May, Michael aspires to eventually do something in the medical field. Craig Lindsey is the Lead Athletic Trainer for Beacon Orthopedics. He is also the leader of the Sports Medicine Team at Moeller High School.  

How did a Moeller student team up with a highly respected athletic trainer? The relationship didn’t just come about by chance. As an incoming freshman, Michael reached out to Craig the summer before his freshman year. Fourteen year old Michael wanted to learn more about athletic training. Craig recalls the situation vividly saying, “In my 25 years of serving as the athletic trainer for Moeller, I’ve never had a freshman reach out to me even in the summer before school starts who shows so much interest in the medical field.”

Craig went on to say that, for his age, Mike was unique in his drive to study medicine, “Most freshman, in general, don’t have any idea what they want to do, as far as what they want to study in college. But I feel like when Michael came in, he definitely wanted to do something in the medical field.” Craig couldn’t refuse Michael’s request, and agreed to let Michael shadow him. Michael accepted and started that summer before freshman year.   

Michael also reacted in a similar way when asked about why he wanted to participate. He responded, “A lot of my family are police and firemen, so helping others is something that I’ve always wanted to do and be a part of.  Reaching out to Craig was something I was really passionate about, and why I continue to work with him.”  

Michael has been an intern under Craig the past four years. He reports in right after school every day and he is there until he clocks out later that night. Depending on the day, what sports are in season, and who needs help, Michael and Craig assist dozens of students get ready for practice or recover from certain injuries.  

Michael Mullins hard at work at a Moeller football gameby @MullinsM22 - Twitter

Michael Mullins hard at work at a Moeller football game

by @MullinsM22 - Twitter

Craig described Michael as the “gopher” when he first started with the staff. As a gopher, Michael was in charge of grabbing ice bags or running around doing errands for Craig. Now Michael, through hard work, is trusted with important jobs in the training room. For example, Craig says that he is completely confident in Michael taping up any injury. He goes on to talk about how one of Michael’s best traits: his ability to simply and efficiently ask questions.

Craig went on to say that if he gets any new college interns to come to Moeller, he knows right where to send them because Michael has just become such a “pro.” Michael continues to grow his skills and knowledge of medicine as he continues to work for Craig and the entire medical team.   

Even though Michael entered his after school gig just looking for some experience for his future, he is walking away with much more than that. After all the years and all the memories, they have grown closer as colleagues. “Michael keeps me sharp and keeps me on my toes,” said Craig.  

Michael talks about how important it is to have someone like Craig by your side. “To have someone like Craig who everyone respects in your corner means everything. He trusts me with certain responsibilities which means a lot, especially receiving trust from someone like Craig who is very successful at Beacon. Having Craig respect and trust me is a big deal.”  

Through injuries, road games, and state championships, these two have experienced a lot together. They continue to grow their relationship as Michael finishes up his last semester before heading on to a bright future in the world of medicine in college. However, as time goes on it is inevitable that these two will remain as good of friends as any.


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