What's New With the WMOE Club?

WMOE Logo.jpg

The newest student organization here at Moeller is known as the WMOE Club. The WMOE Club allows students to have opportunities to participate in activities such as sports broadcasting, behind the scenes camera work, and video production.

Some may ask, "What does the WMOE Club do?" Wyatt Woodard provided the Crusader with a breakdown, "We've only done one event so far, and that was the Moeller vs. St. X basketball game. There were about 12 of us running the whole operation, and I was the play-by-play announcer with a freshman who was also calling out plays. Everyone else was doing work behind the scenes," said Woodard.

When asking faculty leader Barrett Cohen, he said the WMOE Club strives “to get students involved with the school who might not ordinarily be involved in other activities." Given that there aren’t many other clubs that appeal to broadcasting or video production, it’s the perfect time for guys with these interests to get involved.

Mr. Cohen (AKA @bigmoebarrett) was inspired to create the WMOE Club partially because he has a background in sports broadcasting. The WMOE Club, "Gives guys the opportunity to enhance some skills that are going to help them, not just professionally in the world of broadcasting or communications, but also just learning how to speak to people," said Barrett.

The most important skill that Mr. Cohen wants for club members to develop is, "Without a doubt, confidence. Confidence in themselves whether it's in front or behind the camera, or just their confidence in being able to communicate." He feels like this is important because, "That's the number one life skill that they'll be able to carry on forever."

Barrett Cohen (left) and Cannon Spelman (right)Photo taken by Sam Speyer

Barrett Cohen (left) and Cannon Spelman (right)

Photo taken by Sam Speyer

When asking Wyatt about why he decided to join the club, he said, "I'm planning on doing similar type of sports media work in college, so I thought might as well get a head start." Some skills that Woodard says he has strengthened through the club are, "Learning to be energetic and bring in the crowd so they can have that feel of the game." In the future of the WMOE Club, Wyatt hopes to also, "Learn more about what goes on behind the scenes with the camera."

Among all the moving parts happening within the WMOE Club, Woodard's favorite part is, "All the guys hanging out and putting on a show for the WMOE viewers." From a faculty leader's perspective, Barrett's favorite part of the club is, "To see the guys get authentically excited."

With this being the first year of the WMOE Club's existence, the club hopes to grow and branch off into new areas in the future. Barrett Cohen spoke about what he hopes the club will grow to become in the future, "I would like WMOE to be a name that resonates well beyond the walls of Moeller. It'd be great to get some guys in this club into the pursuing jobs in the broadcasting or TV news industry. We hope WMOE to be the one stop place for everything Moeller."


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