New Faculty Profile: Mrs. Jones

By Onni Sorjonen

Mrs. Kimberly Jones transferred to Archbishop Moeller Highschool during the 2021-2022 year as a long term substitute teacher. Ms. Jones teaches English III for juniors, English I for freshman, and Journalism. The Crusader asked her a couple questions about herself:

Crusader: How was your first year at Moeller high school?

KJ: It was good! I love the energy everyone has here. Everyone is focused but has a good time, and I like how supportive faculty and staff are.

Crusader: How is it teaching at an all-boys school compared to other schools?

KJ: There is a lot more energy, I think because you guys know each other so well from mentor groups. Those also work as a bonding time, which leads to more comfort and open discussions in the classroom, compared to other co-ed schools. Also, you guys are much more physical.”

Mrs. Jones sporting here Crusaders gear.

Crusader: What are your opinions on the house system here at Moeller High School

KJ: I like it. The extra time in mentor group helps to bring people together, especially the freshman. I think they feel less separated from upper classmen. Plus, everyone likes donuts!!

Crusader: What brought you to Moeller High School?

KJ: Serendipity. I was finishing up student teaching at Loveland and learned from one of my professors at Xavier that Moeller had a long term sub spot open, so I applied.

Crusader: Has Moeller been how you expected it to be?

KJ: This year it has, since I have a sense of it , but the first couple of weeks last year, it took a bit to get used to the energy and schedule changes. The pacing is different from the 7 block schedule that is used at Loveland, but it’s really nice not to lose so much time during the day switching classes.

Crusader: How would you describe Moeller’s community?

KJ: Supportive. The students support one another, the faculty is also willing to bend over backwards to help others.

Crusader: Are there any changes that you think are needed here at Moeller High School?

KJ: Get rid of the ‘rolly’ desks, that’s it!

Crusader: What are your opinions on Sage dining?

KJ: I usually pack so I don’t often eat in the cafeteria, although I do enjoy the pizza. It’s very nice to have lunch provided for us.

Crusader: What is the best thing about working at Moeller?

KJ: The students. Last year coming in as the third teacher of the year for my classes, the students were able to accept me and adapt quite easily. Everyone was very gracious.


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