Crusader Staff Discuss Their Favorite Christmas Flicks

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer

By: ethan holley

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a true Christmas classic. Coming out in 1964, it set the tone for all other Christmas movies. This film, being released over 50 years ago, still displays so many messages that we see today, not just in Christmas movies.

Rudolph and Hermey together

Rudolph and Hermey together

Rudolph dealing with his red nose is a struggle throughout the entire plot, first, it is an embarrassment to his friends, so he runs away. Next, when he is in the wild, it gives away his location to the Abominable Snowman which puts him in danger. Once he meets Hermey, an elf that wants to be a dentist, they both embrace their unique qualities together, without the care of what the rest of Christmas town thinks of them. Once returning to town, the rest of the reindeer and elves realize they were wrong for pushing Rudolph away and they accept him. With a big storm on Christmas eve, it looks like Christmas must be canceled because Santa cannot fly through the dark clouds. Santa then realizes that they can use Rudolph to lead the way, and just like that he will save Christmas. After rejecting Rudolph for his differences, everyone realizes how important he was.

This theme is something that is so important for the audience to understand, especially for the many children that watch this. What is so great about this movie is how it can appeal to all audiences. This is one of the first movies I can remember watching, and I still enjoy it to this day. The soundtrack is original, and it’s where you’ll find many of the Christmas songs you hear today. I love this movie because it reminds me of watching it as a child, and it brings back memories of Christmas time in the 2000s and early 10’s. I also like the message it portrays, even 50 years after it’s release: the importance of accepting others for their differences is so crucial, and I am glad it is still relevant to the culture we live in today.

 I think you should watch this because it is a traditional Christmas film that only lasts about 50 minutes, and it will layout an original Christmas story that warms your heart. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is the grandfather of Christmas movies, and there is no better way to start off your movie watching for the holidays with this one here.

Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town

By: Jack Land

Kris Kringle with his new friend Topper.

Kris Kringle with his new friend Topper.

My favorite Christmas movie is one that many have probably never heard of. It is the 1970 masterpiece known as Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town. With the movie using stop-animation, the animation itself is poor. However, that only proves how much this movie means to certain families as many have make it a tradition in their households to watch the film during the holidays. The short movie, only 51 minutes long, earned a incredible score of a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. This movie has kept its relevance as it depicts the traditions we all know and love about Christmas. From Santa going down the chimney, to stockings getting filled, Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town has it all.

The plot of the story follows a young Kris Kringle also known as Santa Claus. From birth, Kris was placed on the doorstep of the mayor of Sombertown, Burgermeister Meisterburger, though when Meisterburger turns Kris away he is placed in the hands of a family of elves. These elves teach him their toy making skills and raise him as one of their own. Kris goes out to spread the joy of these toys to the children of Sombertown but is stopped by Burgermeister Meisterburger banning toys. Not only that, but the passage is blocked by the mountain’s monster known as the Winter Warlock. Kris meets new friends along the way as he eventually is able to share his toys with all the children teaching them all about the season of giving.

Personally, this movie means a lot to me. At my house, we watch this movie every year as it has become a family favorite. My favorite time of the year is obviously Christmas time and that’s in large part because of movies such as this one. Some of my favorite memories are my family and I just sitting around a fire watching the short film. With incredible songs such as “The First Toymaker to the King” and “Put One Foot in Front of the Other”, this movie has me singing along every time. Although it is not your traditional Christmas movie, I believe that’s what makes it so special. I’ve always had a soft spot for weird and unique movies, and this is just another example. It has always been one of the all-time favorites in the Land household has we constantly quote it all year long.

Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town being shown on tv every year just proves the cultural impact it has had on not just myself but many from all around. If you have not yet heard of or seen the film I would highly recommend it. The movie depicts the real origin story of Santa Claus with all the things we have grown up to believe about Christmas. Santa Claus is Comin’ to town has a real way of getting you in the holiday spirt and is far and away a lifelong classic.

Die Hard

By: Jimmy George

Die Hard is known to be one of the most controversial Christmas movies ever created, but it still ranks among one of the greatest to be produced due to its unique style which contrasts the typical Christmas movie style.



By bringing in $140.8 million, it is easy to see the success this movie had during its time in the box office. The film is about the main protagonist Detective John McClane, played by Bruce Willis, who flies to Los Angeles to attend a holiday party with his distant wife Holly, played by Bonnie Bedelia. In the midst of the party, a terrorist group led by Hans Gruber infiltrates the building causing everyone to be held hostage except John McClane who attempts to contact authorities as well as save as many people as he can.

Die Hard may not be a movie you can watch with your whole family, but it is one of those movies you can turn on and watch with your old man. This movie breaks away from the path of a traditional Christmas movie because when you think of a Christmas movie you think of Santa, snow, Rudolph, and a jolly theme throughout the film. However, with Die Hard you are thrown through a loop of action and thrill resulting in that thriller movie many people have come to love and enjoy. I believe Die Hard to be one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time because it does not follow the traditional outline of other Christmas movies.

Die Hard has had a lasting impact due to the controversy on if it is truly a Christmas movie or not. Twentieth Century Fox stated that Die Hard is not just any Christmas story, but also "the greatest Christmas story ever told." That comment is no understatement as in 2010 it was voted "The Greatest Christmas Film of All Time" by Empire. People call it a Christmas movie since the events in the movie happen on Christmas Eve and Christmas, however it does not have the traditional feel. Since the only true Christmas aspect of the movie is the setting, many people refuse to consider it a Christmas movie. In theory, the film could be watched at anytime of the year and you would not get comments from people questioning why you are watching a Christmas movie in the middle of July. Also, the meaning behind this movie spreads a message true to the Christmas spirit. The movie is about a man’s journey to save his marriage. John comes from New York City to Los Angeles to be with his wife in efforts to fix their relationship. The holidays pull families from far and wide together, so no matter the main plot, everyone enjoys that feel good movie around the holiday season. Yippie-Ki-Yay.


Home Alone

By: Sean Higgins

Home Alone is a Christmas movie where a young boy gets left at home and thinks it would be cool to be alone, but then he realizes that he misses his family. The whole movie is based around facing your fears.

Kevin McCallister is an 8-year-old boy who was forced to sleep in the attic, because he caused a lot of trouble at the dinner table with his siblings. The next morning the whole family wakes up late due to power chords being knocked down. They all forget about him and he ends up being home alone for the entire week. He is having a great time. Buying pizza, eating all the ice cream there is, and finding out that his brother Buzz has an ugly girlfriend.

Burglars, Harry and Marv, are planning on biting off Kevin’s fingers.

Burglars, Harry and Marv, are planning on biting off Kevin’s fingers.

Kevin soon finds two burglars following him home from the store. Realizing they are trying to break into his home, Kevin sets up many traps that the burglars, Harry and Marv, will run into. His mom, Kate McCallister, tries to call the local police department. When she gets ahold of them, they send a cop to the house and Kevin thinks it is the burglars. The cop knocks many times, but Kevin doesn’t answer. The next few days Kevin is still trying to get the burglars away with various traps. At this point he is just playing a game and having fun.

Christmas night he goes to the church to pray. He comes upon the scary man that his brother Buzz told him about. The guy who supposedly killed his whole family. Kevin goes and sits down and talks to him. He soon finds out that his granddaughter is in the choir and doesn’t talk to him. Kevin tells Marley to just call her. And if she doesn’t answer then at least he tried. He asks, “What if she gets mad at me or doesn’t answer?” That’s when Kevin says at least you tried.

Later in the movie, Kevin eventually gets the burglars arrested. The next day he wakes up and runs down the stairs hoping his family had come back. Kate McCallister rode in a truck all night with a Polka band group. Since that was her only way home before Christmas. She arrives home. And Kevin gets to see his mom again. The whole family shows up a couple minutes later telling him how cool he is for holding down the house by himself. He then looks out the window and see Old Man Marley with his granddaughter. He gave Kevin’s wise words a chance, and they paid off.

I love this movie, because it was the first Christmas movie I saw, and it was and is still my favorite. They creators have made two more Home Alone movies. The second one will never be as good as the first. At least in my opinion. The third one is irrelevant because it doesn’t even have the same characters or actors. I think Home Alone is one of the funniest movies because of its natural humor. We should all watch this movie still because it is a classic. You honestly haven’t experienced a real Christmas if you haven’t watched this. 


The Santa Clause

By: Drew Macciocchi

Scott Calvin turns into Santa Clause

Scott Calvin turns into Santa Clause

The Santa Clause, starring Tim Allen, is a must-watch movie every year when Christmas time rolls around. This 1994 movie is a classic and will never get old, no matter how many times you watch it. This is a feel-good Christmas movie that will no doubt get you in the spirit for the coming of Santa.

Tim Allen plays Scott Calvin who spends his Christmas Eve convincing his son Charlie, that Santa is real. Although Scott doesn’t even believe in Santa himself, he convinces Charlie and reads him The Night Before Christmas as he goes to bed. In the middle of the night Charlie wakes up to a big thud on the roof. He obviously thinks it is Santa and his reindeer landing the sleigh. Scott on the other hand, thinks it is someone trying to rob the house. He heads up to the roof and sees Santa and his reindeer chilling up on the roof. He scares Santa and makes him fall off the roof. This disabled the real Santa from doing his job, so Scott had to step up.

Scott finds a card in the Santa suit that tells him to put it on. The reindeer take him where he needs to go, and he begins to instantly gain weight and his hair turns white right away. He was beginning to get Santa’s powers just from wearing the Santa suit. Scott brings his son Charlie with him to deliver some of the gifts and to the North Pole. Scott remains as Santa and if Charlie shakes his snow globe Scott returns and picks him up in his sleigh.

I love this movie because Scott can’t control the Santa effects taking over his life. He falls in love with eating cookies, candy, hot chocolate, etc. I also love this movie because he and his son bond over something unique and it is a heart-felt movie. As a kid it was so cool seeing the ‘real Santa’ at work and see the North Pole. I always wished that my Dad would turn into Santa every Christmas too. This movie proves to all the kids out there that they should have hope in Santa and believe in him.

People should still watch this movie because it will get you in that Christmas mood. Also, who could ever pass up a Tim Allen comedy on a cold December night. The Santa Clause is a forever classic and will always be worth the watch.  


Miracle on 34th Street

By Austin Strickland

miracle pic.jpg

Miracle on 34th Street is a classic Christmas movie that shows viewers we don’t have to lose the kid inside of us simply because we get older.

Miracle on 34th Street was originally made in 1947 but remade in 1994. I personally enjoy the black and white, original version. The original movie was directed by George Seaton and starred Natalie Wood, Maureen O’Hara, John Payne, and Edmund Gwenn.

As the story goes, Kris Kringle (Edmund Gwenn) shows up in town and has grown sad about what has happened to Christmas. He soon finds himself hired as a Macy's Store Santa Claus by the earnest Doris Walker (Maureen O'Hara). Walker is a single mom determined to raise her daughter Susan (Natalie Wood) to see the world only through the cool light of reason: no fantasy, no make-believe, and no Santa Claus. The handsome young lawyer named Fred Gailey (John Payne) living next door, who is smitten with both Doris and her charming daughter, is all about belief in the imagination and in ideals. When those around Kringle put him in a mental institution based on insanity, Gailey decides to defend Kringle in a court battle to get him released just in time for Christmas.

I love this movie because it shows that we don’t have to lose our inner child and conform to society’s notion that adults cannot have an imagination. I watch this movie multiple times throughout the Christmas season. People expect me to become mature and professional the older I get and the more I live, the more that I feel the pressure to do so. This movie reminds me that believing in Santa Claus, even as an old man, does not make one crazy, but rather allows them to retain the innocence of a child and not let the pressures of adulthood break who you are. This movie reminds me that age does not mean I have to become bitter and lose my imaginations. In the movie, Kris Kringle knows who he is and holds on to that belief. He sticks to his values even in the face of being thrown into a mental institution.

I think the impact of the movie is due to with the vintage black and white. The original movie was released just two years after the United States emerged from the long nightmare of World War II. The movie's first scenes are of New York in 1947. America’s most vibrant city is the stage where a delightful contest between faith and reason takes place. What makes Miracle on 34th Street so timeless is the way it shows the question of belief vs. evidence into the question of which matters more; the human mind or the facts and laws of the society we live in. I choose the side of the human mind and that laws should not dictate how one feels inside.

Call me a sucker for the oldies. Maybe it is because I have older parents. But with its sweet balance of belief, reason, and sarcasm, I am all in every year.

The Polar Express

By: Parker Allen

The Polar Express movie image from

The Polar Express movie image from

The Polar Express is arguably one of the best Christmas movies of all time. The movie is full of exciting moments and breath-taking events.  This movie put a magical side into the night before Christmas and shows what life is like at the north pole.

The Polar Express had many award-winning actors such as, Tom Hanks, Nona Gaye, Daryl Sabara, Eddie Deezen and many more. The movie is a well-liked movie that has a 94% movie review and the director has also made great films like Forrest Gump. The film also grossed over $187,000,000 making it the third highest all-time grossing movie in Christmas film history.

The film has been my favorite Christmas movie for as long as I can remember. From the train first coming to his house to the importance of the jingle bell, the film always keeps you on edge. The plot is full of ups a downs and how you overcome the challenges you are faced with. This is how life is. When the main boy leaves his house for the train, he is unsure and doesn’t know what he should do. This shows that people should take risk in life to follow you dreams.

There are also many more parts of the plot that tries to stop them and the main boy from getting to the North Pole. He overcomes all these challenges and follows what he believes and makes it to the north pole. Another part of the story the main character and the shy boy talk and the main character comforts him and is there for him. Both of these show how The Polar Express is full of life lessons and that’s why I love the film so much.

The film that was premiered in 2004 has been known for one of the best Christmas films of all time. The movie is full of ups and downs but at the end it all happens for a reason. The Polar Express teaches many life lessons and shows kids that you can’t give up on your dreams.

Home Alone 2

By: Nicholas Rohrer

Home Alone 2 poster from

Home Alone 2 poster from

Home Alone 2 is the equally important sequel to the massively successful Home Alone. It over exemplifies family values at the holidays. The movie breaks the norms of typical Christmas movies. It is a goofy, comical adventure movie.

Kevin McCallister (McCauley Caulken), once again, is left all by himself, for Christmas. He loses track of his family in the airport and accidently boards the wrong plane that is bound for New York City. The rest of his family is on their way to their family vacation in Florida. Kevin, a shifty young kid, takes advantage of his situation by using his father’s credit card to check into one of New York’s nicest hotels. He has an encounter with the “Wet Bandits” (Joe Pesci as Harry and Daniel as Stern Marv). Kevin must outsmart and revert back to his old trap-making ways in order to evade his foes. He must do so until he is able to be reunited with his family on the week of Christmas.

The movie was directed by Chris Columbus and produced by John Hughes, of Hughes Entertainment. Home Alone 2 was a box office hit even for being a sequel. The movie amassed over $360 million with the small budget of around $28 million.

I love this movie because it has always been a movie that is easy to watch with anyone. Home Alone 2 entertaining yet appropriate for any age. I have been able to sit down and watch the movie with my family as well as friends. There is so much nostalgia for me when watching either of the Home Alone movies. They hold a special place in my earlier years. Some popular Christmas movies, in my opinion, kind of suck. Many are cheesy romantic movies or dated traditional movies that are just not entertaining to watch. I think that the Home Alone franchise fills a hole in the realm of Christmas movies. It is a goofy movie that is full of entertaining characters as well as cartoon, mischievous violence. I still remember the first time I saw Home Alone 2; it was at my grandma’s house just a few days before my tenth Christmas. Every time I sit down to watch the movie, I think of the first time and what it meant.

Home Alone 2 will hold a lasting impact because its features have made it a modern day classic. It intertwines familial holiday values with an exciting and humorous plot. The movie also features some key figures including cameos from Tim Curry and Donald Trump. The movie takes place in New York City during Christmas time so there are some famous locations shown like Times Square and Central Park.

Overall, Home Alone 2, features iconic figures as well as a goofy plot that takes place in iconic settings, in order to create a classic Christmas film.


By Michael Leonard


ELF is an all-time great Christmas movie for kids who were born between 1995-2005. It is unique compared to most Christmas movies because it stars Will Farrell, who is well known for his role as a funny protagonist in many other films. It was interesting to see him in a Christmas film because it made the film extremely funny, while at the same time giving the audience a heartfelt classic Christmas movie.

The movie is about a man, Buddy, who grew up with elves working in Santa Clauses Workshop. Soon he realizes that he is way bigger than everyone else, and his adopted father tells him that he is a not an elf. Buddy decides to travel to New York City to find his real father. Buddy struggles trying to adjust to living in the real world and him and his father don’t get along great. Will Farrell plays the role of the incompetent man who thinks he is an elf perfectly. This is a role that fits Farrell’s personality as he has played many roles like it in the past. James Caan plays the role of Buddy’s father, Arthur Hobbs, who is a realist and tough guy who doesn’t believe this “nut job” who thinks he is an elf is his son. The two play off each other perfectly and makes the movie excellent.

I love this movie because it gives you that heartfelt, exciting Christmas feel that most Christmas movies try to get out of the audience, and it also provides good comedy that will make me laugh now just as much I laughed when I was watching this for the first time when I was 8. It is safe to say that this one is a classic. It is one of my all time favorite Christmas movie. When I watch this movie for the first time each year, I know that its Christmas time. There may not have been a year of my life since I was 8 that I didn’t watch the movie around Christmas time.

People should watch this movie because it is an all time classic movie. People love it because it has Will Farrell and a bunch of others good actors. All ages of people can enjoy the movie. Like I said I watched when I was 8, and now I still watch it every Christmas.

Christmas Vacation

By: Tim Coyne


It’s that wonderful time of the year when you get to snuggle up on your couch and watch all your favorite Christmas movies. One Christmas movie that is on every one’s list is Christmas Vacation. You know what you are in for when you put on the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, another eye watering, goofball comedy of chaos and a disaster, staring Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold “we’re Gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas”.

As the holidays quickly approach, Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) and his family wanted to have the perfect family Christmas where everyone comes to his house to celebrate the holidays. Clark and his wife, Ellen (Beverly D’Angelo) and his children try to make sure everything in is line such as lights on the house and the prefect Christmas tree, however things go quickly downhill when his cousin, Eddie (Randy Quaid) shows up unannounced with  his camper parked in front of their house. To make matters worse, Clark receives a different kind of reward instead of the Christmas bonus he was counting on.

Christmas Vacation came out December 1, 1989 and went crazy at the box office and sold about 71.3 million just in the US.  Directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik who’s not had the best of luck in the movie business. He stated “National lampoon’s Christmas Vacation had to be one of my favorite film to have the privilege to direct.” Christmas Vacation is one of the all-time best made Christmas movie made. You can watch it on TV every year, it is played on the countdown to Christmas and is also played about 20 times leading up Christmas day.

Christmas Vacation has brought the comedy to Christmas showing people that no matter how crazy your Christmas can be at least its not as bad as the Griswold’s. It is not uncommon to see people wear sweaters that have Clark Griswold on it with one of the many quotes said throughout the film. During the Christmas season you see so many merchandises sold form the movie Christmas Vacation.

The reason I believe this is the greatest all time Christmas movie is because there is no way any movie can compete with the comedy or the reality of this movie.  This movie has so much chaos that makes it great. I enjoy watching the stupidity of the Griswold’s. This movie always makes me laugh and brings up the good memories of how chaotic my family Christmases were.

If you have not seen this movie you are missing out. This film truly captures the Christmas spirit and you have to go out and watch this film if you have not seen it already.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Ryan Stacey

Everyone has a favorite Christmas movie they always watch to get them into the Christmas spirit. Some of these are National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, ELF, Polar Express, Home Alone 1 or 2, or Jingle All The Way. However, my personal favorite is How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It’s an all-time classic for me and has always been a tradition every Christmas season. There have been multiple versions of the Grinch throughout the years. In 1966 there was a television cartoon special and recently in 2018 there was an animated version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch we all know is from the 2000’s live action version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Grinch pic.jpg

Descending from his lair on top of a mountain in a sleigh driven by his dog, Max (with attached reindeer antlers), he impersonates Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, sliding down chimneys and stealing everyone’s presents. However, everything does not go according to plan, and a little girl sees him stealing a Christmas tree. The Grinch lies and tells her that he's only taking it away to fix a broken light on the tree. The next morning, when the Grinch finds the Who’s singing their songs of holiday joy proudly, he gives in to the Christmas spirit. He then returns their goodies and stays in Whoville, where ironically, he carves the ''roast beast'' he had previously stolen.

Although the movie has many differing qualities, the plot is the redeeming feature. This does not make the movie unique in my mind. The single aspect that makes this movie so celebrated is the Grinch, played by Jim Carrey. The Grinch in all his forms of film or book, is a wicked character. He takes happiness and joy in the sorrow and misery of others. I believe that Jim Carrey does an amazing job portraying this. Many of the films that Jim Carrey stars in revolves around an impulsive or two-faced character and this film completely suits him. There are countless parts of the film that Jim Carrey’s personality is shown knowingly or not. This is what gives the movie an underlying presence and ultimately what makes it so good personally.

 How the Grinch Stole Christmas was directed by Ron Howard. The film grossed $260 million dollars in the United States and another $85.1 million across the world for a total of $345.1 million. Thus, making it the sixth highest-grossing film of 2000.

Another thing I love about the film is the wacky design of everything in Whoville. Now this could be from the cars, houses, Christmas light cannons, or even the Whos themselves.

I believe the lasting cultural significance lies in the values and themes it instills in its viewers. The first lesson is, “Do not be a Grinch.” A grinch is an unpleasant person who spoils other people’s fun or enjoyment, and this is not someone you want to be. The second lesson is to always open your heart during the holidays. No matter how busy and crazy the holiday season may feel, do not forget to spread happiness to everyone around you. Especially people you may not know. The third lesson is that holidays are all about the importance of community. Christmas may come but once a year but the essentials of the season, like coming together as community and giving back to those in need, stay with us all year long. The last lesson applies directly to the Whos in the movie. When the Grinch does everything in his power to stop the Whos from having Christmas, they still find a way to have the same Christmas spirit. I believe this shows the Grinch’s idea of Christmas, “no presents equal no Christmas,” and this belief is wrong. Many people will go this holiday season without having presents from family or friends, however this does not mean there is no Christmas. It all goes back to notion that Christmas is not all about the gifts.


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