I am Groot

Marvel’s Guardian of the Galaxy is a new video game that is already a fan favorite. Square Enix have published many games such as The Just Cause series, The Final Fantasy series and lastly The Tomb Raider series, which are all very successful video game series.

Marvel’s Guardian of the Galaxy was released on October 26, 2021 and is available on all platforms and is enhanced on the next-gen consoles. Right now the game is rated an 8/10 on IGN and a 70% on PC Gamer. I have spent the last week grinding the game and I have good points and bad points.

The campaign is roughly 18 hours to complete, and you spend the whole time playing as Peter Quill, or most people know him as Star Lord. The Star Lord you think of in the movie is completely different from the one in the game. A couple of small differences is Star Lord a bright blonde while Chris Pratt has darker hair and Gamora has a white suit rather than a dark suit, other than that the characters compare perfectly to the movie. One aspect I really enjoyed about the game is the amount of dialogue between all the characters. There will be high intense moments in the game and the characters would still be cursing and cracking jokes to each other, It made the game a lot funnier and it made me wanting to keep playing.

Also the game does a really good job of making the characters feel like real people. An example would be when Rocket is fighting an enemy, he talks a lot of smack and makes the fights a lot funnier. Overall I would rate the characters a 10/10 just because of the amount of funny interactions, which is a lot like the movie.

Now going over to the mechanics and gameplay of the game, it has a lot of bugs and glitches but it also has a lot of good features. To start, I want to go over all the good features the game has to offer. First I am a big fan of the decisions you can make in the game. All of the decisions you make in the game changes the course of the game for you. An example is you can either make a decision of going stealth on a mission or go all in, and both of those decisions have a very different outcome. I like this a lot because not everyone has the exact same experience since it depends on your decisions. That is easily what makes this game a lot better than other single player campaign based games.

Now all games have their little bugs so its nothing out of the ordinary. The biggest bug in the game is getting stuck in cutscenes. I’m not the only person that has experienced it in the game, but I have also experience being stuck in other video games, so its something that has happened to me before.

Another thing that I wish the game had is a multiplayer mode. One idea I have if they could have a multiplayer campaign mode, where each player is their own character. I feel like that could add a lot of fun to the game and make it more interesting if everyone was their own character, rather than playing as one character the whole time.

Overall I have had a ton of fun playing Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy and I definitely would recommend playing it if you have a good amount of free time. For my rating I will have to agree with IGN on this one and go with a 8/10.


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