Moeller Actor Profile: Peter Waning

By: Luke Wilson

Moeller has always been applauded for its great athletes; however, the school also has a wealth of talent in the performing arts. Peter Waning is currently a senior at Moeller who is known for his moving performances in Moeller’s theatrical productions. Waning sat down for an interview with The Crusader to discuss his experience and passion for Moeller theater.

According to Waning, being able to hop on stage and perform a character is something that really brings him joy and helps him escape all the stress and turmoil of everyday life. Waning said on average it usually takes about two-to-three months to learn a single play. He explained that this is also why he is only able to perform in about four plays per year.

This may seem like a long time to practice for one performance, however, if you have ever watched Peter perform, you would understand why these plays take so long to learn. Plays can contain long monologues, as well as tricky dialogues where timing and cues must be hit precisely for the play to work. Memorizing and rehearsing these lines and stage directions can be a huge and time-consuming challenge.

Obviously, Peter very much enjoys acting, so The Crusader asked him if he planned to continue his acting career into college. Waning said that he does not plan on doing anything serious with acting in his future, but he would be interested in joining a community theater or something along those lines. We look forward to seeing Waning on stage again in the future.


Peter Waning (left) Pictured Giving Speech at Life Retreat


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