Senior Band Profile: Brody Threm

Brody (right) performing at the first home football game this year.

By Colin Young

Brody Threm plays the Quads. This instrument is difficult to play as it is 4 drums strapped to one guy’s chest. It takes very good hand-eye coordination and concentration to play different things with both hands.

Threm joined the band his sophomore year at Moeller but was a member of the drumline since he was a freshman. He has had an amazing experience ever since. He says, “Getting to go to every football game for free is awesome.” The band has had many ups and down fighting through the covid years and has had to improvise their performances.

In previous years they have had to do indoor shows showcasing their talent. This indoor show was held in the winter due to Covid pushing back their season. Threm says it is great to be back to football games performing for a big crowd. The indoor shows were one of the lowlights of Threm’s career in the band because of how much the atmosphere has an impact on the band overall.

One of his favorite moments in band was the 80’s show that the band performed in his freshman year stating that it was one of the best shows of his 4 years. Threm says that his senior year in band is most likely going to be an endpoint for him unless he attends The Ohio State University because their band is amazing. Threm would recommend the band to anyone stating that it is very welcoming to all people despite having different skill levels. He says that the staff works with everyone’s skill level when writing the parts.

Be sure you go catch Threm and the band at the next home football game!


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