The Photographer We Needed

There have been many great cameramen to take snapshots of Archbishop Moeller Highschool, and this photography is one way that people in the community can see what our school is all about.

Telling the Moeller story visually is one thing that led Senior Converse Kennedy to photography. Converse has taken shots of a variety of school events such as the Teacher vs. Student Basketball game, The Main Event, and multiple sporting events. The only thing Kennedy hasn’t photographed is football, and that’s because he plays.

The Crusader asked Converse how he got started in photography and how he began pursuing it through Moeller. “When I was younger, it was always something that I was interested in. I wanted to recreate the feeling of my dad taking my pictures at football games. It felt so great and awesome to have a picture of me playing the sport that I loved, so I wanted to recreate that for everyone else.”

Kennedy said one of his favorite shoots was the Moeller vs. St Xavier rugby game. “It was really emotional and intense back and forth with Moeller winning in the last few seconds. I got really good pictures, particularly one of Danny and one of Grant.” Kennedy went on to say that “it’s really fun being a part of a team and being able to capture the small moments that film doesn’t quite get. The things people look at in the past. Moeller is also a really good environment to be in.”


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