New Teacher Profile: Mike Walker, Moeller/MND Band Director!

Meet Mr. Michael Walker, the new Moeller/MND Band Director!

Mr. Walker has played music since he was in high school. He played for his high school band, and then went on to play for the US Marine Corps for 12 years. After the Marine Corps, Mr. Walker went back to school and received his degree in teaching. This school year will be his 11th year teaching.

While Mr. Walker’s passion for music is what motivates him every day, music was not always his passion throughout his childhood. Up until high school, Mr. Walker had a passion for football. However, when he got to high school, after not being able to get a PE course, he opted to take band for a semester. Consequently, he loved it and has not turned back since.

Mr. Walker is settling into his new home at Moeller nicely, saying he loves the atmosphere, especially at football games. “The student section is the best I’ve ever seen.” He is also very pleased with the progression of the band and is very excited for what this year holds for him.

 As for the band, Mr. Walker and Mr. Kindt have been working hard to prepare them for their upcoming events. They are currently preparing for the Prince Show, which will be played in full for the first time at the St. X football game. It will be a show comprised of roughly 10 songs, wrapped up with a rendition of “Purple Rain” at the end. In addition to the Prince Show, the band is looking forward to a performance in Orlando later in the year. In class, the band is preparing for a show in late October which will be open for all to attend.

While the band is working hard day in and day out, Mr. Walker is aiming high when it comes to his goals for the band this year. By the end of the year, Mr. Walker aims for the band to learn to play difficult music while also digging into the finer points of performance. While learning the more technical, straight-forward side of music, he hopes for the development of a response to the music within the band and to truly encounter the artistic side of music.

It is safe to say that Mr. Walker will be a great addition to the Moeller family this year, and we as a Moeller family would like to issue him a very warm welcome.


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