Senior Day

At the start of the year, all of the seniors had a senior start day here at Moeller. Normally, this is at an all-day camp, but this year seniors stayed at Moeller due to inclement weather. The day started with all of the houses splitting up going with their dean and counselor. This was an awesome way to have the seniors get to know their dean if they were new or if they hadn’t talked to them much.

Then, each house competed in a scavenger hunt and other small games for points. The competitions included a homerun derby, soccer, basketball free throws, cornhole, and a relay race. These games helped all of the seniors get comfortable coming back into the school and also led them to connect with their classmates.

Next, everyone came back to the gym, and seniors from each house played a huge version of hungry-hungry hippo which was super fun to watch. This game was crazy, with a lot going on at once. It was a great way to get everyone loosened up for the school year.

Lastly, we had a couple huge games of dodgeball, and each house got a chance to play with every single person in that house. Sadly, Eveslage House was one of the first houses to get out, but the games were so much fun for everyone whether you were watching or playing. Pillar House finished the day victorious, gathering up more points than any other house.

Senior day was very beneficial for everyone and enjoyed by all the seniors who participated. Here’s to a great year for the class of 2024!


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