Crunch Time: Exams
Staying motivated for exams may be one of the hardest challenges for students each year. However, once you get through those exams, a feeling of relief comes over you. It is often even harder for students to be motivated to study for those exams. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find some tips for studying and staying motivated for exams.
Many people think you need to study for hours and hours each night, but studies have shown that your brain retains more information when studying for shorter amounts of time. Your brain has a limited attention span and working memory capacity, so long study sessions can decrease concentration and retention. Studying for 30 minutes then going for a walk or workout then studying for another 30 minutes after is going to have a much greater benefit than studying for an hour straight.
Another helpful tip is to focus on studying for one class or topic for that day. Breaking down the material from each class and concentrating on one topic at a time will make it easier to remember. Setting goals for each topic will encourage you to learn that topic faster. For example, if you are studying for your math exam focus on chapters one and two today and three and four tomorrow.
Making Kahoots or Quizlets can also be very beneficial. For many topics, you can find Kahoots or Quizlets that have already been made. Some teachers even make sets for you to study from. You can also handwrite flash cards to study from. Writing them out will not only provide you with material to study but also help cement the information in your memory.
Reviewing old tests and quizzes can also be incredibly helpful. Most teachers make their exams for the tests and quizzes that you have already taken. Simply reviewing and correcting them can be useful, or you can ask your teacher for a blank version of previous tests and quizzes.
Once you’ve completed all your exams and all the studying has paid off, you’re free, for a few weeks. Not having to worry about schoolwork and studying. Enjoy the holidays with your family, relax, and sleep in.