Alex Minshall
Hello, my name is Alex Minshall. I’m currently a senior at Moeller High School. I play baseball as a right-handed pitcher, and I am a huge car guy. I’ve been playing baseball 14 years now and I intend to play baseball in college. I’m currently deciding between Xavier University and West Virginia University. Outside of baseball I love cars. Currently I have a 2017 Ford Mustang. I’ve done a pretty fair number of mods to it. So far, I put in a gt500 wing, euro taillights, gt350 axels, hybrid turbo, tuned for pump 93 or E85, exhaust, and more I’m sure I’m forgetting. As you can probably tell I know a lot about cars but I also know a ton about baseball.
For the rest of my senior year, I’m going to try to make the baseball team and just stay on top of my grades so I can graduate with a good GPA. I’m going to go to a lot of baseball games and basketball games. I will try to enjoy every second left of high school since most of us only have 1 semester left. I’m going to spend a ton of time with friends and make the most out of the little time in high school we have left.
My plans after high school are to go to college, graduate, secure a good job and then buy a house and start a family. I’ll own a few nice cars and one day start my own business and work for myself. One goal I have is to own a sportbike and a mustang at the same time.