Campbell Glinski

Hi there I'm Campbell Glinski, and I'm a senior at Moeller this year. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, and I went to Springer for grade school. I started playing lacrosse at a young age, and then switched to play rugby in high school, which I have really enjoyed. I have an older sister who is in college. I started snowboarding at a young age and it is one of my favorite things to do. Another thing I started at a young age is fly fishing I really like it but its hard to find fly fishing spots in Cincinnati. In my spare time I like to play video games with my friends.

Senior year has been a lot of fun, but I'm also looking forward to graduating from Moeller and starting the next chapter. I am excited about the spring rugby season and playing with everyone again.

After high school, I plan on going to college. I'm leaning toward Ohio State, but I'm also looking at other schools like Colorado Boulder and The University of Vermont. I hope to major in Finance and hopefully get an minor in AI. Whatever school I choose, I will play club rugby while. I've also been searching for other clubs to get involved with.


Jake Bell


Ben Riehle