Auditorium and Athletic Complex See a 2020 Refurbish

The new auditorium being built!Photo by Carson Harvey ‘24

The new auditorium being built!

Photo by Carson Harvey ‘24

If you go to Moeller or even see the school, you probably have noticed something interesting happening around the building. Moeller High School has hired Endeavor to work and construct the AC and the Auditorium in order to update these important facilities. Moeller also hired Elevar as the architect for all the designs of the new remodels.

I had an informative conversation with Mr. Dave Beiersdorfer, the Director of Facilities at Moeller High School and we walked through the changes that have been much anticipated. Students can expect to benefit greatly from the improvements to come such as a new locker room and a new auditorium.

First off, Mr. Beiersdorfer explained that this construction was the first piece of a 4-phase plan. This includes Moeller’s old gym, which is now the auditorium, being changed into the band room. This newly designed band room will benefit our Moeller Band. This room will include soundproof rooms for students wanting to get solo practice and a complete space with plenty of room to do whatever is needed. That is only half of the entire auditorium, as the other half will be space for the Choir. This will include a huge permanent stage and permanent seating in front of it. This will benefit the choir students so that they have an updated space to learn and practice in.

The locker room is under construction. Photo by Carson Harvey ‘24

The locker room is under construction.

Photo by Carson Harvey ‘24

That is not all though! As most students know, there has been no locker room that the football and lacrosse team usually share during the summer. Why? The locker room is a part of the first phase. The project began by clearing out the locker room and making it empty space. Then, getting rid of the old band room, Chorus room, and health room. (Which is in the AC). The plan is, since the band and chorus room are being moved to the auditorium, Moeller can take that big space and create a multi-purpose locker room for various sports and athletes. This new locker room would be a huge upgrade for Moeller athletics. This brand-new locker room is expected to be completed in around 5 weeks, so our tough Moeller Football team can enjoy it on their road to state.

I spoke with Ben Broughton, Senior Offensive Lineman and he said “I have not seen it, but I am excited for it. I am sure it will be a big upgrade for a locker room that has a lot of use.” This locker room will include bottle filling stations so that all players can stay hydrated before and after practice, individual showers so that each player can have privacy and is safer with COVID, and much more space for lockers and gives athletes room to change and get ready for games and practice.

I also had a conversation with Senior Lacrosse player, Adrian Taylor who had some words about this new locker room: “The boys have been grinding hard, and its nice to have something to reward us for our efforts.” Moeller athletes are thrilled for the new locker room and can not wait for it to be finished. 

There is more to come as well. Moeller plans to expand the cafeteria in the near future, which will be huge for the students. This cafeteria will include large circular tables, booths, and more space for additional tables. These lunches will be able to fit more people, so it creates time in the schedule to make lunches longer which students will undoubtedly love.

I talked to Senior, Jack Scally about the plans for the cafeteria and he said, “These new changes will be a great addition for the new Moeller High School and it will make the school look striking.” There is also a plan to make it more technological as well with TVs that students can watch and multiple charging stations where you can fill up the battery on your computer, phone, etc. Along with technology, Moeller also plans to build an “Innovation Hub” which will be a second help desk and a place to get any help with your school computer.

As of this year’s plans, there are only 2 more things that are scheduled to be done. Moeller also wants to do an administrative office renovation, which will be expanded towards the parking lot and making the space bigger and creating more offices for administrative staff.

Lastly, Moeller is building an athletic complex in Miamiville, which has plans to include a baseball stadium, a track course, and a multipurpose field for lacrosse, soccer, and football for athletes to become better and progress in their athletics.

Moeller High School is becoming something even better, plus students and faculty are sure to enjoy this a lot. An even better aspect of this is that it will attract 7th and 8th graders, so there will be more students coming into Moeller which will make the school a better place.


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