Moeller New Student Commons

Moeller has been going through a lot of changes these past few years. Starting off with the new classrooms in 2018 and then the new locker room this past year. And now, Moeller’s cafeteria is going to be expanded, refurbished, and have a new food plan that will bring a diverse variety of healthier food items, The completed project will deliver a modern, functional space for students that will be known as the student commons.

An sample rendering of the future commons. Chef hats may or may not be included.

An sample rendering of the future commons. Chef hats may or may not be included.

In an informative interview with Mr. Dave Beiersdorfer, the Director of Facilities at Moeller High School, we talked about the construction aspect for the new student commons center, the biggest changes being made, and what students should be most excited for. 

First, Mr. Beiersdorfer explained that this is a six month construction job that would be done in the span of four months.  Having already been started the Friday before Easter break, the plan is to have the student commons center done around August 1st so they can be able to clean, test the new food program, and train the cafeteria staff.

Mr. Beiersdorfer also went into the size expansion and new additions that were being done to the new student commons.  Since the Football/Lacrosse/Rugby Locker room has been moved to the Athletic Complex and is not being used, they plan to expand the cafeteria into that newly emptied space and also build out into the courtyard just outside of the windows.  Other than the expansion, they will be replacing the “prison tables” with circle tables, booths, and high top tables to allow people to have a chance to talk to more people at once.  Another huge addition that is in the works is that there will be another help desk in the student commons center for the purpose of being able to walk right into school or not having to go to the other side of campus if you are in need of computer assistance.  They are also putting in another restroom in the area.

Another important aspect of the student commons center is the new food program.  Moeller is partnering with a company known as SAGE.  According to their website, SAGE is the nation’s leading provider of sustainable dining services and catering to discerning independent schools and private colleges. Moeller’s goal of using this company is so that they will get away from the frozen foods and give a lot more variety and healthier options.  With this in mind, Moeller is changing the way student buy food.  Instead of bringing in money or using your lunch account, the cost of food will be put on the end of the student’s tuition and students will be able to grab however much food they want.  Though this does not apply if the student wants food before or after school, they will have to pay a la carte outside of lunch time. With the new food program being in place, juniors and seniors will be required to stay for lunch on b-days.

In a conversation with Mr. Michael Shaffer, Dean of Student Life at Moeller, he said that he thinks that the biggest thing that students will enjoy with the new student commons center is that they will have nicer and bigger spot to hang out before and after school. Mr. Shaffer also mentioned that he thinks the students will love the fresh food. 

Moeller High School is constantly being upgraded and are making improvements to the school.  Moeller has already made a lot of changes to the school over the past few year, and they don’t plan on stopping.  Moeller will continue to update the school to make it a more attractive place.


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