Sage Dinning Enthusiastic About Plans for Lunches in New Cafeteria

Amy Stull Head Chef of Sage Dinning. Photo by Josh Kattus.

Amy Stull Head Chef of Sage Dinning. Photo by Josh Kattus.

Moeller’s new cafeteria catering company, Sage Dining, plans to integrate new and healthy menu options at Moeller once the new cafeteria is completed.

Amy Stull, Head Chef for Sage Dinning Services, said to expect "fresh ingredients" from local farmers. "Everything will be made from scratch and will be way different from what it is now,” continued Stull, referring to the sandwich and salads that are part of the Moeller routine this quarter in the AC.

There will also be many new opportunities to try new food options on the menu. Stull also said, “There will be some pizzas, pastas, [and] burgers.”

Stull highlighted that there will be fresh ingredients, different varieties of food, and will be many different stations to pick from. Stull also said, "Students will be able to look ahead many weeks in advance and see the different menu options for each day." In addition, Sage’s website will provide nutritional facts like proteins, carbs, and sugars so that student will be able to see what type of nutrition students are consuming. You can even download Sage’s app to see what’s on the upcoming menu.

Stull then went onto say how excited she is about the new cafeteria, how amazing it is going to be, and even got a chance to tour it saying, “It is coming along very well.” She continued that the construction workers are doing a great job and thinks that students will be blown away when they get the opportunity to dine in the new space.

When asked about what separated Sage from other dining services Stull said, “All of their food is approved by dietitians and professionals that make sure you are getting enough of each thing that your body needs.” Stull continued to say how this shows the students will be getting balanced meals made from scratch, where other companies meals will not be as fresh as they are here at Sage.

Stull said, “Instead of opening a can of cheese sauce that cheese sauce will be made from scratch.” Continuing to say how the food will be fresher than any other food providing company.  Stull then said how the food will continuously be made fresh for the first lunch as well as the last lunch. They will be cooking the whole time and not just make one batch for the entire four lunches.

Stull then went into the process of making the lunches now and how difficult it is. Stull says that Sage’s main problem is not having a cafeteria and that the truck that stores the food for the students is their “saving grace.” A big challenge for Sage is space of the auditorium. Stull said, “We get to Moeller at five in the morning and have to push carts around the auditorium to see things up, and we are not getting to do what we really want to do.” There are many challenges that Sage is facing at Moeller due to not having a cafeteria, but they are making things work the best that they can.

Students are very excited about the new food in the new cafeteria though. Matthew Gates, a senior at Moeller High School says that he is very excited to eat some hot food again and expects the food to be very good. He also said that he cannot wait to get out of the auditorium and into the new cafeteria.

Someone else who is excited is Mr. Jackson a teacher at Moeller who said, “I’m excited for not only the cafeteria construction to be finished but also for all the new food options it will provide.”


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