Moeller Makes Final Plans for 2021 Homecoming

Moeller administration has decided to hold its annual homecoming in the parking lot on September 25th with two separate dances, one for upper and another for lower classmen.

Seniors Aiden Riffle, Brennan MortonStrauss, and Matthew Gates will represent their respective mentor groups as homecoming repsPhoto by Aiden Riffle

Seniors Aiden Riffle, Brennan MortonStrauss, and Matthew Gates will represent their respective mentor groups as homecoming reps

Photo by Aiden Riffle

After a long time waiting for social gatherings, Moeller High School is bringing back homecoming! Students are excited for dancing and the opportunity to have a larger gathering. Before Covid in 2020, the last dance was in the fall of 2019 and was a huge success. According to Mr. Clayton Graham, as this 2021 dance will be different from the past, students and faculty are excited to bring it back.

The director of homecoming, Mr. Graham, has been teaching at Moeller for 14 years and has overseen homecoming for the last 5.

Something new, due to Covid restrictions, is a two-dance night. Moeller has planned a freshman and sophomore homecoming dance earlier in the night, that will be followed shortly after by a junior and senior dance to conclude the night. This ensures that all students will have the opportunity to attend homecoming and have fun with their dates.

Ticket prices were one of the struggles coming out of the situation, the final price is $50 per couple which includes the food trucks. Administration was thinking about keeping the tickets to the normal $40 but, they did not want the students to have to worry about carrying cash around. There will only be 250 tickets sold to each dance so these tickets will be a hot commodity soon once they go on sale.

As is the case for everything over the last school year, COVID has caused its share of difficulties in the event’s planning. The biggest change this year is that the dance is in the back parking lot instead of the usual location in the gym. This is due to Covid restrictions, as many schools this year are planning their dances on their football fields and outdoor venues. Mr. Graham is excited for the freshman and sophomores to have their first dance in their high school career. “For the first time in a while, I’m glad we’re bringing back the novelty suits.” According to Mr. Graham, as he may be rewarding students for the best novelty suits to show their creativity.

One feature they’re bringing this year is food trucks for the students. Since the venue is outside this year, it is an easy and fun way for students to be excited into coming to the dance. Your $50 ticket will get you food and dessert for you and your date, so don’t forget to hit up the food trucks before the end of the evening.

This year, the Crusader football team is playing LaSalle for the annual homecoming game on September 24th. The dance will be held the following night of the 25th. The main goal is to make sure everyone can have fun and make memories while staying safe and healthy. Homecoming is a staple when it comes to high school experiences, and with the help of Mr. Graham and many others, Moeller is glad they are able to do it once again.


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