The House Events Take Off

Moeller's House Deans and Director of the House System, Karen Matuszek, give an update about upcoming events in the house system in an attempt to spread awareness to the students.

Like every year since 2005, the Marianist Cup race is alive and well. Students will attempt to win points for their House. Within the next 2 quarters there are plenty of events on the horizon. For example, "In September on the 17th we have MoeGate and the start of the Fall Raffle," said Matuszek.

Photo of Karen Matuszek captured by Brennan MortonStrauss

Photo of Karen Matuszek captured by Brennan MortonStrauss

The Fall Raffle has been one of the longest standing events, according to Quiroga House Dean, John Hough. However, much has changed about how students have attacked the issue of selling tickets. In recent years, students have utilized both "door-to-door" sales tactics as well as Moeller's online sales site to sell the most tickets possible.

Many argue which is the most efficient way to sell, however, senior lacrosse player, Nick Kellogg, who has had more than $1000 in sales in recent years, stated, "The best way to sell tickets is to post a link online and utilize your social media and relatives […] Online tickets are always the way to go."

Along with the annual Moeller Fall Raffle, the canned food drive begins just about Thanksgiving time. Students compete to complete the most boxes not only for house points but also for the benefit of those in need. Mentor Groups will be leaning on senior leadership this year to give the underclassmen an idea of how to best complete their required boxes.

Nearing the end of this semester, comes the Freshman Retreat where the freshmen will compete in a house event of their own. In  addition to the spiritual aspects of the retreat, there are a series of events that earn house points, including capture the flag and volleyball. "Be involved, and choose the event that best suits you and your strengths," said Pillar house Dean Clayton Graham.  

Outside of events that have assigned dates and deadlines, a behind the scenes competition runs from the first day of school until the last day. This is a ranking of how well houses do in academics and discipline. "The best advice I was ever given, was early in my freshman year by a senior in my mentor group. He told me to do my part by staying out of trouble and keeping up on your grades!" said Varsity Rugger Danny Koterba.


Along with the detention and grading ranking throughout the year, spirit events. These spirit events have been the Cross Country Primetime Invitational which was rescheduled because mother nature had other plans. With Moeller having many different varsity sports, the amount of spirit events varies year to year. The schedule is up in the air, however be sure to look out for all major sports having a spirit event!

Advancing forward to finish out the year, the annual chalk mural contest takes place where artists compete to sketch amazing artworks on the back fields. Generally, the art drawn is loosely based around the yearly symposium theme in this case, it would be mental wellness/mental health.

The most important house event, according the Clayton Graham the Pillar House Dean, is also the last one. The Crusader Games. Here, an entire day is dedicated to the competition between students in a variety of different games. The games may included but not limited to, relay race on scooters, 3 point competitions, trivia, 1v1 tire arena fights, and many more. All points gained on this day are worth double. "Many times, a house can jump 2-3 positions on just this one day," said All State Hockey Defensemen Nowell Snarey.

It is fitting to end the house competitions by dedicating a whole day to a healthy annual competition that has been thriving since 2005.


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