Quarter One Highlight Reel

Moeller High School

Quarter one started off the 2022-2023 year in a great way by welcoming an enormous freshmen class through the doors where the Men of Moeller walk. The classes of 2023 through 2026 were back for another great year—and mask free this time!

The Crusader asked a few upperclassmen to share words of wisdom for the incoming freshman. Aiden Sargent advised, “Do your homework, no missing assignments, work hard.” It may sound simple, but it is the best route to academic success here at Moeller.

The Fall Raffle kicked off during quarter one with all houses battling to sell the most tickets. However, once the final tallies were in, Trinity House took the title of selling the most raffle tickets.

Homecoming was a success as the dance was moved back to the gym for the first time in three years. Senior Ryan Mechley gave his feedback about the dance saying, “It was a good time with my friends. Overall, it was a good last homecoming with my dawgs.” The dance also had complimentary ice cream to add a sweet side in contrast to the violent mosh pits going on in the gym.

Many sports started their season during quarter one including football, soccer, and cross country. Football and soccer are almost ready for playoff time as they hope to make a deep run and fight their way to a state championship. House Soccer also kicked off during this time. As the weather gets colder, we hope our athletes stay free from injury and finish their successful seasons.

Finally, as we approach the end of Quarter 1, be ready to wear pants as we enter standard dress code. The students continue to settle into school and the routine as we get closer to Christmas in Quarter 2. Seniors, you are already 1/4 of the way done! Time is flying, so do not waste any of it.


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