New Teacher Profile: Mr. Neugebauer

Photo of Mr. Neugebauer and his family

Pictured Above: Mr. Neugebauer and his family.

Mr. Neugebauer is a mathematics instructor who teaches AP Calculus AB, BC, and Algebra 1. He was recently hired at Moeller last year, specifically to teach two students taking Calculus 3 and remained at Moeller to continue teaching this year.

In Mr. Neugebauer’s free time, he enjoys hanging out with his family, working in his yard, and hiking. He also likes to chat about math with his brother who is a math professor at EKU.

His start to teaching is different from most. Mr. Neugebauer said, “Initially, I became a teacher because I needed a job. I’ve stayed in it because I really enjoy the relationships I’ve formed with students and other teachers. I also enjoy sharing my love for math.”

Mr. Neugebauer has a bachelor's degree from Miami University in mathematics and statistics, a master’s degree from XU in secondary education, and an MS in applied mathematics from UD. He is very qualified to teach the high-level mathematics courses here at Moeller.

Prior to teaching at Moeller, Mr. Neugebauer taught at McAuley High School, Cincinnati Country Day School, and the University of Dayton.

When asked about his experience at Moeller, Mr. Neugebauer says, “Coming to Moeller was a big change. It’s a large school compared to the other high schools I’ve worked at, and there is a lot of energy in the halls and classrooms. I’ve been able to develop great relationships with my students and other faculty members. Overall, Moeller has been very welcoming.”

Mr. Neugebauer also commented on the brotherhood here at Moe. He said, “What has stuck out is the amount of pride the students take in being at Moeller. Everyone seems to rally around one another in hopes that each student succeeds. I have experienced this within the faculty, as well, which has helped to make my transition to Moeller seamless.” Along with this, he believes that the house system is a great way of bringing students together who wouldn’t normally have known each other.

Thank you to Mr. Neugebauer for taking the time to talk with The Crusader and for bringing his great teaching skills and personality to our school. Welcome to Moe!


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