Mixed Feelings Arise as Exams Approach

By Luke Wilson

As Christmas quickly approaches, tensions in the classroom begin to rise as students prepare for their midterm exams. Many different emotions are surrounding the campus during these last few chaotic weeks as teachers scramble to organize their final lesson plans and students struggle to cram every last bit of knowledge possible into their brains.

The Crusader spoke with Moeller junior, Erik Warncke, who explained he has already been spending at least an hour every night to prepare for his exams. Unlike Warncke, there were many seniors that The Crusader spoke with who explained they only had three or four exams to prepare for and did not need to study very much. In fact, Moeller senior, James Wolf, says that he only has to take four exams and has not even started studying yet. This really juxtaposes the difference between junior year and senior year. Many seniors are thankful for exemption options in semester classes as well.

Even though exams may seem like the end of the world, many students are still anxious for exams to arrive so they can finally start their long-awaited Christmas break. During this two-and-a-half-week break, Moeller students and their families have many different plans that vary from travelling to Florida, going out west, seeing relatives and friends, or even just staying home with family.

Regardless of what these students are planning to do during their holiday vacation, everyone at Moeller is looking forward to a break from school to refresh their minds and prepare for a fresh start with the new year. Nevertheless, until those last exams are completed, students will continue to prepare themselves for their finals to finish off the year strong. The Crusader would like to wish all Moeller students good luck on their exams and hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas break!


Christmas on Campus 2022


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