Micah Pitts, Moeller School Co-Captain

By Henry Meijer

With every new year of school comes new school captains. We wanted to find out more about who our captains were this year. To do this, The Crusader interviewed one of our school captains, Micah Pitts. We wanted to ask him about his hobbies, his experience at Moeller, and his plans as captain to see what kind of guy he is and if there were any big plans for the school this year.

Crusader Q: What sports do you play?

MP A: Currently I’m in the middle of football season, and in the winter, I’m in wrestling, and then in spring, I’m back in rugby.

Micah Pitts Preforming a handstand

Crusader Q: What Hobbies do you have?

MP A: I just hang out with my family.

Crusader Q: Do you have any special talents you would like to share?

MP A: I can walk on my hands for ten yards.

Crusader Q: Could you briefly describe your career at Moeller?

MP A: It has been very pleasant; I personally don’t have anything bad to say about it.

Crusader Q: What is one of the best aspects of Moeller?

MP A: Everyone you meet here are from different kinds of backgrounds, and you don’t expect to meet them in your day-to-day life.

Crusader Q: What are your plans this year as school captain?

MP A: I’m trying to bring real diversity to this school, and I’m just trying to be a voice of reason for kids who have the same background as me and help those who grew up like me.

While conducting an interview with Pitts, we discovered a lot about his vision for the future of Moeller. It’s clear that he wants a much more comfortable environment where everyone feels welcome. Pitts showed us that he is a great leader and is planning to lead our school in a good direction for a more inclusive culture. All we must do now is wait and see how his plans pan out, but for now everything is looking up for Moeller’s future.


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