From All Saints Doors to Moeller's Floors: Ms. Westerfield

When deciding where to teach, the choice was easy for Emily Westerfield. Going to All Saints as a child and being in the Catholic School system her whole life, Moeller felt like the obvious choice. Ms. Westerfield is a first year Sophomore and Junior English teacher at Moeller High School.

When asked about her experience at Moeller so far, Ms. Westerfield said, “The kids all seem ready to come to class and contribute; it’s been great. The idea of teaching all boys was there from the start, because I really have formed great relationships with my boy students.” Clearly, Ms. Westerfield has adjusted to our school with ease.

Ms. Westerfield teaching English!

Photo taken by “The Crusader”

Ms. Westerfield likes to run her courses like a college class, with lots of discussions and opportunities for students to apply their own thoughts to the topics being covered.

Ms. Westerfield has had a long, interesting journey to Moeller. Most of her childhood was spent right next door going to All Saints throughout grade school. She then decided to stay in the Catholic system and attend Ursuline Academy. After high school, she went to Miami University in Oxford. She loved her experience there and graduated with an English degree, yet still wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to do next.

Her father is a lawyer and that influenced her to go to UC for Law School. After that, she worked at a public defense firm downtown. It was there that Mrs. Westerfield decided not to pursue a career in law and to make the switch to education instead. She taught for one year at Culver Academies in Indiana, a military school with a college campus feel. She learned a lot there, but wanted to teach closer to home so she could be around her family.

Ms. Westerfield has positive goals for her role in Moeller’s future. She wants to get the kids excited about learning and one of her main goals is to encourage kids to read more. A lot of kids lose interest in reading as they get older, and it’s her goal to help students find material that they will enjoy.

Ms. Westerfield is a great addition to the school and is excited to get to know the Moeller community better!


Micah Pitts, Moeller School Co-Captain


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