Upcoming Service Opportunities

There are a lot of upcoming service opportunities in the 2022-23 school year.

Little Buddies started up recently, and students joined Ms. Stiver during M-Block to hear about how to be a positive role model for their mentees from Coryville Catholic. They will have their next meeting on October 6th at Coryville.

Students also went to Ronald McDonald House after school to serve meals to the less fortunate. There will be recurring trips to popular service sites like Ronald McDonald house, Matthew 25 Ministries, and Stepping Stones throughout the school year.

In addition to these, Moeller will have a service opportunity called Shanty Town in the spring, where students experience being homeless and must live under the same conditions as a homeless person might. During this experience, you will also hear from speakers about homelessness in your community and the world.

Seniors have a special opportunity to take the religion elective called Community Service, where you go out into your community with a small group, and volunteer at different places during the school day for service hours. This is a great experience, because you gain a more personal feeling while doing your service because you continue to go back to the same site.

Later in our school year, there will be many summer service trips and opportunities offered for juniors, sophomores, and freshman. These include a trip to Heritage farm, a weeklong trip to Guatemala, the LIFE retreat, going to OTR for service, and many more. These trips and opportunities all help students reach the service hours needed to graduate.


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