End of an Era: Moeller Seniors

In the fall of 2019, the class of 2023 first walked through the doors of Moeller High School. Since then, there have been many memories created, some good and some bad.

Our freshman year was off to a great start until the second semester when Covid-19 began to spread around the world. This caused parts of the 2019 freshman year to come to a sudden end. This had a major effect on sports and academics as seasons and classes were canceled.

Senior Lacrosse Player Will Scahill reflected on this time, "I wish I could go back to freshman year and redo it all, but this time without Covid-19 to ruin the year. I feel like it was a heavy setback as I didn't get to play high school lacrosse. It felt like I had missed an introduction to it."

Similar to Scahill, many other students feel the same but with academics. Senior Axel Carlstrand commented, "Missing the second half of freshman year was terrible for my development in subjects like math and science. Nowadays, there are always bits and pieces of chapters that I don't understand, usually something I didn't get a chance to learn." Through that time and since then, we have persevered and continued with our high school journey, which was mostly normal since then.

With our time at Moeller quickly coming to an end, seniors are beginning to reflect on the last four years and what they have accomplished in that time. Senior Will Jones said, "I think I'll miss a lot of things about Moeller. Mostly the brotherhood, though. I feel like I could always mess around a little bit, and no one would take it super seriously. I also made many lifelong friends here through sports and class. I will miss it."

Many other seniors shared Jones’ sentiment. Another topic that came up was the sports and all the rallies that were held. Scahill said, "I'm going to miss all the hype leading up to the football games and the games themselves. To me, they were one of the most enjoyable things about high school, getting to cheer for your friends and watch them beat our rivals, like St. Xavier."

As seniors start to make college decisions, it will be a difficult goodbye to Moeller.


Moeller’s Head Football Coach Retires after 3 Seasons.


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