Moeller's Change Race is a Success!

Last Friday, Moeller closed its competitive change race for Ukraine, raising over $6000.

The change race was a competition held at Moeller between the six houses organized by Ms. Stiver and the house deans. Just outside the main office were six large water tubs, each labeled after a house. In order for a house to gain points, they would have to add coin money to their tub. However, other houses could take away points by adding paper money to opposing teams’ tubs.

 The race took place from January 30th to February 3rd. On January 24th, Purcell Marian’s Bob Herring came to Montgomery Road to talk to the student body about the cause the change race would benefit.

Since 1989, the city of Cincinnati has been a ‘sister’ city with Kharkiv, Ukraine. The relationship between the two is and has been something special, by collaborating on different projects. For example, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati set up an exchange program with students from both cities. However, due to Covid-19, the program was discontinued in 2020.

Mr. Herring is on the Cincinnati-Kharkiv sister cities board and has visited Kharkiv several times. With all of this and the recent events of the Russia-Ukraine war, Mr. Herring reached out to high schools in the Cincinnati area, such as Moeller, Elder, LaSalle, St. Xavier, and Ursaline to raise money for the Kharkiv Red Cross.  Mrs. Matuszek, who Mr. Herring first reached out to at Moeller, likes to mention, of those schools the only one not to participate was St. Xavier.

The week following Mr. Herring’s visit the race began and the Eveslage house jumped to an early lead of $126.24 and a running total of $342.68.

The other houses heard wind of Eveslage’s lead and started to add paper money to their jug. On the second to last day of the event, they dropped all the way to 4th place. However, in the end, Eveslage crawled its way back to 1st while Quiroga placed 2nd, Zaragoza 3rd, Pillar 4th, Trinity 5th, and in last place Zehler.

Moeller’s Total amount raised (Via @moellerhs)

The house system leaders were extremely pleased with the turnout of the event. “I think it’s been tremendous… It’s been a product of two things. The education we provided students and teachers about where this money was going. Also, the competition between houses” Mrs. Matuszek said.

Thank you to the Moeller family for all of your charitable donations. The people of Kharkiv will greatly benefit from your efforts.


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