Wrapping Up This Year's Journey

As the school year comes to an end, a large population of Moeller students have been given the opportunity to deepen their faith experience through retreats. Most recently, the K-120 Kairos and sophomore retreat at Camp Joy took place. These retreats help the Men of Moeller take their brotherhood and bonds to the next level.

The sophomore retreat is an overnight experience that students will never forget. Sophomores are tasked with a variety of games and bonding activities throughout both days. Best of all, students have time to reflect and hear from one another in small groups. Within small groups, new connections can be made, which can grow into relationships you will value throughout your time at Moeller.

For those of you who are upperclassmen, consider taking the opportunity to help lead the retreat if asked to do so. This is a great way to get to know younger peers and to help expand your portfolio of leadership for college applications. As many may second guess their choice to participate or go on the sophomore retreat, Luca Nebadze shared this, “I thought it was actually pretty fun. I enjoyed the activities we did and the talks with others.” Nebadze added that he would recommend this experience to other upperclassmen.

The Senior Class of 2023 unfortunately missed some of the early retreat experiences due to COVID. Looking back for these Seniors, there were many more missed opportunities. A piece of advice the senior class collectively would like to rely to the underclassmen is this: Do not be scared to get involved, whether it’s retreats, sports, or clubs. Find what you enjoy and stick with it. Use the next few years to learn new things on a variety of subjects. For younger classmen, go out and experience your next retreat with an open mind and see where your faith can lead you in just one day.

Throughout Moeller, there are many ways for the whole student body to interact with their faith. Some of these are:

·        Retreats

·        Mass days

·        C40 M (Lent program)

·        Service opportunities

·        House days

·        Mentor group activities

Moeller’s House system provides so many new opportunities for students to grow in faith and relation with one another. Be sure to take advantage of all that your time at Moeller offers!


End of the Year and AP Exams are Here!


Moeller’s Main Event a Success!!