Senior Class Favorite Moments

Throughout the last four years, a select group of 186 students have had the pleasure and joy of attending Archbishop Moeller High School. As that journey comes to a close, I interviewed members of the Moeller Senior Class to see what some of their favorite moments have been throughout their four years here.

Moeller Sports

The most common response I got was sports. Sports seemed to be very important to a lot of people at Moeller, be it baseball, basketball, golf, or bowling. Every person who played a sport seemed to respond that the sport they played created some of their best moments and memories. Seniors talked about all things related to their time playing their sport(s), from long road trips to important games, time with teammates to memorable practices. No detail was spared when seniors had a chance to talk about their time playing, and as a whole, sports were one of the most loved things by this year’s senior class.


The other most common thing seniors referenced among their best memories was Kairos. While I cannot divulge any details of the retreat, what I can say is that the experience seemed to resonate very heavily throughout the senior class. Plenty of kids still wear their crosses from Kairos and recall the retreat as a great bonding experience.

St. Xavier Rivalry

Another item that kept coming up was the rivalry between the Crusaders and the Bombers. Plenty of seniors referenced particular games that they played in or watched between the age-old rivalry. The two most common answers were both this year’s football games between Moeller and X, with the playoff game being a lot of people’s favorite moment of all. However, plenty of other rivalry games from basketball to baseball were cited by students as favorite moments.

Epic Fantasy and Myth

Finally, a very popular class among 2023’s seniors was the Epic Fantasy and Myth course, a senior elective taught by one of Moeller’s best teachers, Mr. Joshua Wellen. Because I don’t want to break his one and only rule (IYKYK), I cannot disclose the stories that were told, but I can say is that Mr. Wellen’s class was a favorite amongst many who had him as either freshman or seniors.

The senior class has had four years of making memories they hopefully will remember for the rest of their lives and spent four years connecting to a group of brothers they will have for the rest of their lives.


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