Newspaper Makes Its Return

Excitement is in the air at Moeller High School as the school newspaper makes its return. Last year with the absence of the newspaper Moeller just didn’t feel the same. We are here to change that, and students and faculty seem to be very excited about the return of this tradition. The newspaper is a pillar to Moeller’s culture and provides accessibility for students to give their opinions. We are also able to highlight achievements in the Moeller community.

The writing team and I are making sure we are able to write accurate stories that are timeless for readers in the future. With a renewed focus on sections like Moe Culture and Moe Memes we are trying to relive the good old days of Moeller and highlight major events. I believe everyone was missing the tradition of student journalism. The return marks a new chapter of the newspaper at Moeller.

Me and the rest of the journalism team are anticipating great things in the upcoming paper. This newspaper is more than ink on paper, but rather a place to record our community’s occurrences. Students are eager to contribute whatever they can to the paper, and faculty members seem to feel the same way as well. Get ready to read our newspaper. We will not let you down and this is just the beginning.


The SRB Experience
