Miller and Garry Represent Moeller in Nike All-Star Games

Moeller lacrosse has held an honorable reputation in recent years. In 2017, the team battled St. Ignatius in a double overtime to take home the state championship. The team continues to pursue a high intensity culture with a winning mindset. The team is lead by head coach Sean McGinnis and this year’s senior team captain Lane Miller. Other captains on the team include Brendan Garry, Griffin Clark, and T.J. Rotello.

Lane Miller and co-captain Brendan Garry have continued to challenge themselves in the off season by preforming in the Nike all-star games.

Lane and Brendan paying tribute to Jack Toom

Lane and Brendan paying tribute to Jack Toom

The Nike National All-Star Games is a yearly showcase of national high school lacrosse talent. The intent is to select standout players to 13 regional teams to display their talents on a larger stage. Miller and Garry tried out for the mid-American north team and made the roster. Sadly, their team was unsuccessful in winning the championship, but was able to make a good run. Many other Cincinnati players were on the team as well including Miles Blenman (St. Xavier) and Seth Greene (Mason).

When asked about how this experience affected his leadership ability, Lane responded, “It was a great opportunity to insert myself as a leader in an environment that was uncomfortable and foreign to me. It taught me how to take charge even when it can be difficult”. He also stated that learning to adapt is going to help the lacrosse team this season with the unknown territory ahead.

The team has dealt with many hardships in the past year. With the unfortunate circumstances of Covid-19, the team was unable to play last season. Hopes were high for a good state run, but were quickly shut down. Months of hard work and preparation left the team feeling unsatisfied with the outcome. Most seniors not going on to play in college lost their final chance to play lacrosse.

Along with the loss of the season the team is also dealing with the loss of a loved coach who was an alumni to the program. It was Jack Toom’s first year coaching JV after finishing his collegiate lacrosse career. He was a beloved player and coach who had a larger impact on the program as a whole.

This upcoming season lights a flame of redemption in the hearts of last year’s rising juniors. From the start of the Moeller program, Coach McGinnis focused on instilling grit into each player. His famous line is “push through the suck,” and that goes hand in hand with the adversity that has been pressed on the program.

Garry spoke about what that line says to him, “Let’s face it, 2020 has sucked. With lacrosse it is pretty self-explanatory. The suck is the relentless lifting and running we do in the off season; it’s those freezing cold practices in the beginning of the season.”

Strong leadership and the ability to push through affliction is what makes this team a force to be beat. Lane states that his leadership accomplishments this summer leave him with a good feeling about this season.


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