Moeller Wrestling Finishes the Season Strong

Moeller WrestlingPhoto By: LetsgoBigMoe,comcom

Moeller Wrestling

Photo By: LetsgoBigMoe,comcom

As the 2019-2020 season comes to a close, we see Moeller Wrestling once again sitting in position for a good post season push. Only a year after losing state qualifier Jordan Ward, Moeller wrestling is in a great spot to find themselves back at the Schottenstein Center. Here is a brief season recap on what this team has accomplished this season, where they started and how they got to where they are.  

Being in the GCL faces some tough competition, but they also find ways to travel and get some experience with wrestling against teams from out of the area.   They have a 4-hour drive to Canon-McMillan High School, a trip to West Virginia and then another to Louisville. When I spoke with Senior captain Tristan McKenzie, he said, “I would say this is a key part in our preparation, the long bus rides really prepares our wrestlers on how to withstand long bus rides but stay focused and ready when we hit the mats.”  

They opened the season at home for the Moeller Preview. They then hosted a scrimmage where Milford, Louisville St. Xavier, Oak Hills, and Goshen attended. Jumping to December 14th the Moeller Crusaders traveled to Ryle High School, Tristan finished 5th in his class.  Kurt Thompson placed 3rd, Vince Scally 5th and Jonathon Sanchez came in at 5th for his weight class as well. Only four days later they had senior night on Dec 18th where they battled against Mason High School.    

Junior Brayden ZenniPhoto by: Mrs. Zenni

Junior Brayden Zenni

Photo by: Mrs. Zenni

During the thick of the schedule where they were wrestling every 3-4 days, I asked Junior Brayden Zenni what he had to say about what times like this are like. “Regardless of what weight class you are wrestling, we have found a bond unlike most sports here at Moeller. We truly care for each other and you can feel the love we have for one another when we hangout.” He emphasized during these rough stretches that as this is where the brother hood really changes your view on a match. Tristan Mckenzie also tapped in on this and repeatedly used the word “together”. He said that, “We bleed together, we sweat together, we eat together, we pick up team duties together not just picking a freshman.” This has propelled the team to a successful season.  On December 21st the Crusaders traveled to Harrison; Brayden Zenni placed 8th, Nolan Moore placed 5th, Tristan McKenzie 4th, Kurt Thompson 3rd, and Vince Scally 3rd. 

Six days later, Moeller headed to Pennsylvania, when I asked what it was like to wrestle in big events especially one as prestigious as the Powerade Tourney. Bryaden Zenni said “tournaments like this is what helps build this brotherhood, this is what helps us get better together Senior Tristan McKenzie who did not place in the event had the most wins on the Varsity side going 4-2. Junior Nolan Moore also had some comments about wrestling in the Powerade Tourney “It's fun going and representing Ohio, at a tournament like this you have people from all over the country watching you, it is just a fun atmosphere.” 

Heading into the State Tournament when I talked to the team, I repeatedly heard the same few names; Senior Tristan McKenzie said he felt that Juniors Brayden Zenni and Nolan Moore have a shot to go deep. He felt Kurt Thompson even though he is a sophomore ranked 6th in the state a run to state, and then he said Vince Scally has had an amazing season and he feels he will end it in Columbus. Brayden Zenni said that he feels this could be a unique season “This in my opinion is one of the best Moeller teams we have had in a few years. I think we could have 4 guys or more finish their season in Columbus.” They competed in the Sectionals Tournament last weekend and had a very strong showing, Top 4 in each event move on to Districts and at Sectionals the Moeller Crusaders did well,  Brayden Zenni placed 1st, Nolan Moore 2nd, Kurt Thompson 2nd, Vincent Scally 2nd, Tristan McKenzie 3rd, and sophomore Jonathan Sanchez placed 2nd as well. This will give the Crusaders momentum heading into the last few weeks of the season led by their captains.


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