Moeller Basketball Banquet

“And just like that, it is over.”

Moeller Basketball was something I will never forget and will always be with me for the rest of my life. This season was special and created so many memories. With all the good things in life, they sometimes come to an end.

Every year, we have a banquet that celebrates the season. All levels join: freshman, JV, and Varsity. It’s a celebration to cap off a great season. Freshman and JV coaches give awards to their players, along with a brief talk about the season. Varsity seniors also have the opportunity to give a speech reflecting on their four years in the basektball program.

Seniors all had the same advice and told similar stories. If I had to sum up the theme of the night, it would be “Time flies by. Live in the present and not in the future.”

Every senior’s speech had something unique to it. People told stories throughout the four years, things that they learned, and even people that helped them throughout their time. Eli and Dwight Turner had a big role model in their neighbor who drove them to school in their early years of high school. Their neighbor did that all out of the kindness and generosity in his heart.

The highlight of the night is when one senior is given the Man of Moeller award. The history of the recipients of the Man of Moeller award is full of great people who still to this day honor the core values of Moeller. Last year’s recipient was Evan Mahaffey, who was the clear winner. The year before was Zach George, who was also a clear winner in my eyes. But this year, I knew most definitely who would win it. ELI TURNERRRRRRR!!!!!

There was no other person who deserved it more on our team and nobody who understood the values more than he did. Eli has always been “the dad” of the group and the leader of our team.


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