Moeller Football Off-Season Success

Moeller Football Team.

The Moeller football team is coming off a great season going all the way to the state semifinals. Head Coach Mark Elder stepped down and the position was taken over by Bert Bathiany. The off-season lifts have been going on in the morning led by Coach Shaw. The upcoming senior class is loaded with leaders who want the best for the team. The team will, of course, have to adjust to the new leadership quickly in order to stay on track for the 23-24 school year.

Junior Nick Leonard talks a lot about how the energy has changed in the weight room this year. “There is different feeling in there. We know that a new head coach job will make schools doubt our success and think that we might not be able to do what we did last year. We have the talent to go as far as we did last year. The leaders and the coaching will come along as we get into summer, but the energy is a lot stronger. We go in day in and day out knowing what we must get done to become a good Moeller team. “

Being led throughout the season by such a dominating group of guys as Coach Shaw and Coach Bert, these young me will be prepared for a long hard-fought season. Morning lifts will prepare the team for anything that is put in front of them. They’ll be able to keep the pedal on the medal in the fourth quarter when other teams are tapping out. They’ll be more physical and stronger than teams because of the workouts coach Shaw puts together for them. Learning the playbook already and getting a better understanding of what the future holds for them will take them far in the postseason.

We wish the best for our Crusaders and their future.


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