A Friendly Game of Hoops: House Basketball to Return for Quarter Three

By Jack Dollard

While we all look forward to the holidays and dread the return after the break, there is one thing to look forward to at the start of 2023—house basketball!

Tryouts are usually held after Christmas Break during M-Block in the gym. The teams are coached and picked by varsity basketball players and house deans. During the game, players wear their house shirts and athletic shorts. Each team is required to have multiple players from each grade level and is required to keep athletes from each grade level on the court throughout. Subs are made every few minutes to ensure that there is equal playing time.

Games are held in the gym during M-Block and are refereed by members of the basketball team. Teams play for a championship and house points at the end of the year. The championship is held during the crusader games in front of the entire school. The last game is refereed by basketball coaches and is the finale of the crusader games before the house cup is awarded.

Last year, Pillar House won the house basketball championship. Some players have even gone from playing house basketball to playing on the varsity team. Students have described House Basketball as a fun way to create bonds with peers while competing for house points. Games are very competitive, and the players are very athletic. There are no formal practices, but teams can arrange to practice outside of school on their own time.

Make sure to check your emails after Christmas break and look out for house basketball information.


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