Talking in Turn: New Oral Communications Class

A new course in oral communications has been introduced to the curriculum at Moeller. The course will be a graduation requirement beginning with the Class of ‘27, but it can be taken as an elective by the Classes of ‘26, ‘25, and ‘24 as well.

The term oral communication encompasses all types of spoken communication. By definition, it is “the exchange of information or ideas through spoken word.” Some common examples of oral communication include meetings, telephone calls, lectures, oral presentations, interviews, and public speeches.

Moeller students work on a variety of public speaking projects in the new oral communications course.

So far, student feedback has been overwhelmingly positive regarding the new course. The class is all about learning how to speak clearly and present in a professional manner. The class allows students to receive feedback and clarification during both practice and formal presentations. The course focuses on types of speaking that will come in handy for students, such as presenting through PowerPoint or other visual aids. The course is designed to provide students with speaking skills they can adapt to a variety of situations in both school and their personal lives.

The new course is being taught by a variety of teachers from various departments. Moeller Senior Ian Kowalski is currently taking the course with Mrs. Spaulding. Kowalski shared his impressions of the Oral Communications class saying, “At first glance, I was kind of nervous because it’s a lot to ask someone to speak about stuff that they don’t really know about in front of a room full of people. However, over the course of the class, I have definitely learned a lot of techniques and become a lot more relaxed while speaking in front of a room of people.”

It’s safe to say that Oral Communications is having a positive impact on Moeller students and their presentation abilities.

Brayden Finn Finn