Vocal Embsemble Update

The chorus classroom has changed over the years with the new renovations throughout the school. Four-year Chorus veteran Thomas Stines talks about his experience in the program.

“The transition was hard keeping the students locked in throughout the process. It was frustrating coming to class and not getting done what needed to be done.”

Today, the chorus room is one of the latest renovations to the school. It has very unique soundproof walls that project the sound of the students’ vocals. The chorus program Is getting ready to perform at the upcoming Ash Wednesday Mass and has been practicing. Stines went on to describe the preparation the chorus class does.

“Being in the excel class for chorus is something I take pride in. Being recognized for my skills and performing at a higher level in front of the school is something that I look forward to every class. Getting in there and taking advantage of all 90 minutes we have is something that is very important to me. Whether it’s going over mass music, or practicing the art we have for future concerts, I try to be a leader to my peers and give up my best energy to get not only the best out of me, but the best out of my classmates. We perform as a unit, and we strive for excellence as a whole.”

The program performs one Christmas concert and a spring concert each school year. They are constantly practicing and always leading school masses with great singing. Having great leaders like Tommy Stines makes them a special group. It’s a program that freshmen come into Moeller signing up for and wanting to be a part of. Mr. Balbach is beloved by his students, and in return, he wants what’s best for them.


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