Get to Know a Fellow Classmate!

Moeller is known for many different things, brotherhood and sports programs chief among them, but Moeller also has an elaborate and successful Band Program led by Mr. Kindt, a Moeller 1990 graduate.

I was extremely fortunate to get to sit down with a good friend of mine, Alec Weaver, for an interview about his time in the Moeller band.

Image of a Sousaphone

Weaver is a Moeller Class of 2023 student who is extremely dedicated to the Moeller/ MND band. He has been involved in this program throughout his high school career.

Weaver is very talented at playing his instrument of choice, the sousaphone! For those who are not aware, the sousaphone is a large, horn-like instrument played similarly to the tuba. The largest difference between the two is the wrap-around style of the sousaphone.

Picture Above: Alec Weaver.

Weaver loves the environment and the students involved in the Moeller/ MND band. He said, “I think the most important thing is to get involved in something here at Moeller. It just so happened that for me, it was the band. And I would not say that I regret that choice. In fact, I want to thank those of you who have stuck with me through it and for the support I have been given.”

Outside of the band, Weaver enjoys seeing his buddies and even holds an interest in cars. Fun Fact: Weaver has a project car, which is currently a white Honda civic.

After talking with this remarkable man, it becomes clear he has an amazing sense of humor, is a very reliable person, always has a positive attitude, and is extremely friendly toward others. Plan on seeing this man doing big things in life!  


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