It's Probable that You'll Love Sports Analytics Club!

Have you ever wondered how seed probability is calculated during March Madness, or how a team’s batting average might relate to its record? If so, you might want to check out Moeller’s Sports Analytics Club.

This goal of the club is to take statistics and strategy from sports and calculate various potential outcomes, essentially predicting how teams or athletes will perform.

While the club is not tied to specific athletic programs at Moeller, club members can assist with a variety of analytics-based duties, from compiling scouting reports on prospective rivals to doing data analysis to produce insights that boost athletic performance. This program was designed with the premise that the students chosen to work for teams are produced on-site through club involvement.

There are some club members who pull double duty and work directly for teams. Braeden Sample, for example, is a club member who also works for the baseball team doing analysis. Sample took over the team’s Twitter page, @MoellerBaseballAnalytics, this year, and he takes all of the data from the games and posts it. The page includes strikeouts, hits, RBI’s, put outs, among other stats. Sample said, “I love running the page and providing the data from the players. It is tough sometimes and it can be a lot of work, but if someone can look at the page and get the information that they need is a success in my book.” The baseball team also enjoys being able to look up stats after games.

Sample is not the only one who keeps stats for school teams. Vincent Tallarigo keeps stats for the basketball team. Tallarigo said, “It gets me involved in the game, and I love watching basketball, so it all comes naturally.”

If you want to know more about the Sports Analytics Club, reach out to Mr. Prugh, who is the faculty sponsor.


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