An Epic English Elective

When your senior year comes around at Moeller, what English elective are you going to take?

The Hobbit is one among many books you might encounter in the Epic Fantasy and Myth course.

One class that is eye catching for a few different reasons is Epic Fantasy and Myth with Mr. Wellen. If you haven’t had the opportunity to work with Mr. Wellen, he is a great teacher and always brings energy to each and every class period.

This senior elective is, in part, about getting ready for college and making sure students are prepared to keep up with college classes. Through this course, students will be better prepared to tackle those long essays that will definitely be in any college student’s future.

Students also get to expand their academic writing skills and ensure they know how to properly write an essay. Students leave this class with a greater knowledge and ability to write quickly and efficiently. This class will also help you develop creativity in your writing, so that you don’t end up with stiff or bland final drafts.

You not only gain essential college writing skills, but also get to read fun books that will keep you wanting to turn the page. You will read books like Harry Potter and The Hobbit, which are a lot of fun to discuss in class.

This class also teaches valuable life lessons, and the works studied portray themes that students can consider, and in many cases, learn from and apply to their own lives. Through the study of other authors’ works, students get to know their preferences and what they want to include in their own writing.

At the end of the day, you need imagination and creativity, and this class will help sharpen those tools and show how to put them to use.


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