Willoughby Media - Moeller Student's Business

If you have ever scrolled through Instagram, you will surely see one of Ian Willoughby’s photos on your feed or someone’s story.

Ian Willoughby is a senior at Moeller and an offensive lineman for the Moeller Football team. His interest in photography was sparked freshman year when he took one of Moeller’s visual art classes. Through these classes, he learned how to use Photoshop and to edit videos. Ian began taking photos freshman year during Covid as a hobby. “I started taking pictures because I wanted to stay as close as possible to sports because I knew I would not always play sports.”

Willoughby ended up establishing his own photography business called Willoughby Media. He first started doing sports photography by taking photos for Moeller’s Junior Varsity Baseball team. Ian has since flourished by taking photos for many Moeller teams and even local high school teams around Cincinnati. He attends sporting events and takes photos of the athletes, and then edits them. He even has done some non-sports-related photography jobs for students. Besides taking photos, Willoughby also does commitment edits for athletes across the Midwest.

Willoughby will be attending West Virginia University this fall to study photography. While at West Virginia University, Willoughby will be an intern in their football program as a photographer. Willoughby wants to continue his photography beyond graduation. “I’m hoping to get hired by a major sports team, preferably an NFL team, and become a photographer or videographer for them.”

The once-small hobby has turned into a legitimate business for Ian. If you are interested in seeing Willoughby’s work or are interested in hiring him you can visit him on Instagram @willoughbymedia_


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