Sprechen sie Deutsch?

Taught by Mrs. Linda Zins-Adams, German is an elective at Moeller that offers five different classes: German 1, German 2, German 3, German 4 Honors, and AP German.

Unlike Spanish, French, and Italian, German is a category 2 language which means it is a little more difficult to learn than other common languages. The teacher Mrs. Zins-Adams, or Frau Zins, used to serve on the AP college board and is now the head of Moeller’s Language Department, and has been a German teacher for many years now.

Throughout my four years in German, we have done many fun activities. In German 1, although I know some classes have not gotten to do this, we had the Wonder Bus, which came to Moeller for a few hours with VR headsets, games, screens, and other fun things to do while we also learned about the German language and culture. We have also had many guest speakers, including Holocaust survivor Dr. Al Miller, UC students from Germany, and many others. Students are given the opportunity for a chance to go on a trip to Germany every summer and are placed in a pool to win a free ticket by scoring well on their national German exam.

German is a great option to choose for your required two years of a language, and you might find yourself interested and continuing after you’ve filled that first requirement. Students who take AP German train and practice all year working towards getting their Seal of Biliteracy, which can be extremely useful down the road.

It’s never too late to enroll in German. If you have any questions, feel free to email Mrs. Zins-Adams! TschÜss!!

Brendan Hais

Brendan Hais is currently a senior at Moeller High School. He went to St. Columban for grade school, and lives in Loveland being the oldest of 3 brothers. He is a former lacrosse player and in his free time enjoys working out, video games, and traveling.


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