Lucas Peters
My name is Lucas Peters, and I am an 18- year- old senior who was born in Cincinnati on July 7th, 2006. I am the youngest of 3 siblings including me and I have lived in Loveland, OH for my whole life. My two older brothers both graduated from Moeller, playing soccer, and attended the University of Cincinnati. Before coming to Moeller, I attended St. Columban from Kindergarten to 8th grade. Some of my favorite hobbies are hanging out with friends and family and playing soccer. I have played soccer since I was 4 years old, and it is a big part of my life.
I have really enjoyed my experience at Moeller. The memories I have made and the friendships I’ve created will last a lifetime. I’ve been involved in various things at Moeller including Soccer, the Little Buddies program, National Honors Society, and Pillar House Chaplain. My favorite memory I have made here at Moeller is the Kairos retreat. It gave me an opportunity to bond closer with my classmates as well as God. I’m excited for this Journalism class because I get to share my experiences with everyone in the school.
After Moeller, my plans are to attend a college relative to where I live and study business marketing. Some of my top choices are the University of Cincinnati, University of Kentucky, and The Ohio State University. I hope to achieve new opportunities and goals and go to a school that offers me the best possible outcome for my future. I’m sad to be graduating from Moeller but I am excited for what is ahead and the opportunities that await me.