Jerry Beckelhimer: FireFighter

While most of the Moeller seniors are going to college, others are going to the military or trade schools. One of the graduates of the Class of 2021 is Jerry Beckelheimer. He is going to school to become a fireman. You might not know this, but he also is a stud at volleyball.

Some very big, very good schools such as Penn state were talking to him and potentially giving athletic scholarships.

Moeller has a historically good volleyball team and Jerry is a big part of its success. He has been a varsity player for four years and a starter for three. This year we have a decently strong chance at winning state and Jerry is an important part of that opportunity.

Jerry is a setter for the team, which currently has a record of 12-3. He mentioned "I was talking to Ohio State, and Lewis who are both top 15 men’s volleyball schools, and I was on Penn State’s radar my sophomore year. But Ohio State did not work out, and I stopped pursuing trying to play volleyball in college, once I decided to be a firefighter."

Jerry told me, "One option was to go to college, while another was to try to get into the Cincinnati Fire Academy, or a program like Great Oaks. Any of the places that I choose will get me to the same place." He also mentioned that if he went to college it would leave him with a little bit of debt. Jerry also said that he wants to start out being a Cincinnati firefighter, but could potentially go fight fire in another city.

If he stays in Cincinnati he said he could see himself coming back to Moeller to coach if he is ever offered.  That would be a huge score for Moeller volleyball considering all of the offers and interests Jerry had from colleges. He had 10-15 offers from some smaller schools.

Jerry says he wanted to become a firefighter to help people, and sacrificed college scholarships to make that happen. A lot of people would kill to play D1 sports and Jerry had the opportunity, but is choosing a life of service, which is one of the core values of a Marianist education at Moeller. Jerry is a great example of a man of Moeller and will represent this school very well anywhere he goes.

The volleyball team huddling up to make a play. Photo Credit: Jerry Beckelhimer.

The volleyball team huddling up to make a play. Photo Credit: Jerry Beckelhimer.


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