Crusader Artist Spotlight: Alex Biernat

Pointillism Drawing by Alex BiernatPhoto taken by Jacquelyn Sommer

Pointillism Drawing by Alex Biernat

Photo taken by Jacquelyn Sommer

While Moeller seniors commonly plan to pursue majors in fields such as business and engineering, others have more specific and specialized interests. The Moeller Art Department consistently develops students into top tier applicants at the best Art & Design colleges in the country.

As a freshman, Moeller students are required to take a fine arts class. One of the classes of choice is Studio Art I. In this class, some students discover their passion for art and continue to take studio art throughout all four years at Moeller, with AP Studio Art III during junior year, and AP Studio Art IV during senior year.

One of the most highly motivated and best artists in Moeller's Class of 2021 is Alex Biernat. Throughout Alex's childhood, he always enjoyed drawing for fun. Once he arrived at Moeller, he began to take his artistic talents to the next level.

Throughout each school year, AP Studio students are required to create a "Sustained Investigation" portfolio. This entails each student creating a series of 15 works that all have a common theme.

This year, Alex Biernat chose to study light and reflections through observation. "I chose this as my concentration for the year because I enjoy drawing from observation and have always been drawn to it," Alex explained.

Pictured on the left is Alex's favorite drawing included in his sustained investigation portfolio. This drawing was done with ink on drawing board using a technique called pointillism. "This drawing was one of the most time consuming projects I've done," claimed Biernat.

Outside of his sustained investigation portfolio, Alex also explores other areas of study through drawing. Pictured below is a colored pencil drawing done by Alex. "This one is my favorite drawings that I have done," Alex pointed out.

Colored pencil drawing by Alex BiernatPhoto taken by Jacquelyn Sommer

Colored pencil drawing by Alex Biernat

Photo taken by Jacquelyn Sommer

As a fellow Studio Art IV classmate of Alex, one thing that stands out about him is his outstanding work ethic and dedication to his artistic development. He put his trust into the Moeller Art Department's excellent teachers and program, and now is getting ready to make his way to the college level. Next year, Alex Biernat will be attending Xavier University for Graphic Design and Marketing.


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