House Points Update

By Connor Christenson

As of October 19th, Quiroga is on top of the standings for the Marianist Cup after a second place finish in the house soccer event.

Trinity comes in at second place, just one point behind Quiroga after a great performance in the Fall Raffle, and Eveslage recently gained in the rankings when they took the win in the Freshmen Crusader Games, with Zehler finishing second and Zaragoza third.

While many events have already taken place, there are some new opportunities to earn points towards the cup on the horizon, including the canned food drive, house basketball, and more spirit events. As Zehler sits in last place, members hope to get a strong contribution from the underclassmen in the canned food drive. Also, after a great house basketball season in 2019-2020, the Bears are hoping that a good showing once again will allow them to rejoin the race.

Conlan Daniel, Zehler House Captain, shared his insights on his senior year Marianist Cup Race, “It means a lot to me to win the Marianist Cup. Winning comes with a lot of pride and bragging rights with friends, but most importantly, it means our house helped out the most with those in need. So because Zehler is in last place right now, I ask all Zehler Bears to contribute and help take home the Marianist Cup”.

That is what is happening in the Marianist Cup Point Update as we approach Christmas Break. Good Luck to all Houses as new opportunities for points arise, also Moeller students, remember to contribute and help your house rise in the rankings.


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