Moeller College Fair

By: Jack Dollard

On October 19, Moeller held its annual college fair. More than thirty colleges and universities from around the country attended this event, and students had the opportunity to talk with people from admissions at numerous institutions.

Each college had a table with various pamphlets and information packets that student could take and peruse, but this event also provides an opportunity to ask questions directly to admissions reps. These face-to-face discussions with colleges can provide students with a great deal of insight into various post-secondary paths.

Students can use college fairs to learn more about schools they are unfamiliar with, and students should be ready with some questions that might not be easily found on a college’s website. Admissions reps may even be able to tell you what kind of scholarships you may be eligible for depending on your GPA and test scores. Some questions to consider asking at college fairs Include:

  • What do students like most about your school? What is the biggest complaint from students?

  • What kinds of students are happiest at your school?

  • Where do students hang out on campus?Do students mostly live on or off campus?

  • What financial aid programs does your college offer?

  • What academic programs are the most popular at your college?

  • Do admission officers make decisions solely on numbers and stats, or do extracurricular activities truly matter at your school?

  • How does your career planning department compare to other colleges/universities?

Moeller holds the college fair once a year, so if you didn’t make it this year, and if you are wondering where to go to college, make sure you attend next year.


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